The 10mm pistol is a modification of the Western Colt 6520 pistol common on the East Coast. The N99 replaced the obsolete N80 in 2051, and has since proven to be an excellent, reliable weapon, easy and unpretentious to handle and repair. Converted ...
A custom AKM from CS:GO converted into a sniper rifle A cross between AKM and SVD. 2 legendary weapons in one. SA style icon Changes: Shop from SVD Sight PSO-1 Folding stock I was prompted to do something similar by a photograph of a modified AK...
"Johnny! Do you see this? God, Johnny, this is worse than all the gooks combined!.." So, meet this freak - M16A2 in bullpup layout. Due to the fact that gta:sa animations are not adapted for rifles of this layout, the model contains several minor ...
The 1860 Model Henry Rifle was a rifle used during the American Civil War. The texture quality is 1024x1024. GTA:SA style icon. As for the position in the hands when aiming, the animation in the game itself is a little clumsy, so it’s impossible, i...