This weapon is ideal for defense, but can also be used offensively. It is recommended to shoot at the enemy at medium distances.Features:- Looks good in the hands.- No bugs.
Smoke grenade with Sprunk logo.Features:- No bugs.- Well sits in the hands.
FMG-9 to replace UZI for GTA SA.Features:- High quality textures.- Well sits in the hands.
A new machine gun to replace the old minigun.Features:-Good quality textures.- No bugs.
High poly model with patterns. Features: -High quality textures. -It sits well in the hands.
Mass Effect PistolFeatures:- Fits well in the hand- Nice model
High quality Desert Eagle model for GTA San Andreas. There are three texture variations:—Golden—Silver—Black
Features:- Qualitative model;- Good textures;- Correct placement in the hands.- (ANY GAN)
Shotgun Remington 870 TacticalFeatures:- Looks good in the hands.- High quality textures.