Mods for GTA San Andreas - 17206 mods
2 rifles from COD2
Lee-Enfield and Mauser Kar98k from Call Of Duty 2. Features:
-Butts don't fall through
-Good quality
-Own icons
-The fire is correct
-They lie flat
Pack of guns from Warface
Pack of weapons of the PLA team from Battlefield 2
H&K MP5K - Edited textures
mp5k for GTA San Andreas
* High-quality model and textures.
*Sits well in the hand
The file replaces tec9.
Scar-20 from Counter-Strike Global Offensive.
*Good texture quality
*Custom icon
*Sits well in the hand
Have fun
AK-47 from Warface
AA-12 from WarFace
АА-12 (Envelope from WarFace.)
- Good quality.
- Has its own icon.
- There is an effect of shots.
- Envelope without glaring bugs.
P.S. Made at the request of Crosse.
Ice Cream For the competition
My first more or less serious work that I did in 3D MAX.
-Replaces a grenade with ice cream in a cup
-Added new icon
P.S. Beware, ice cream is explosive.)
RandomChar v0.4
Larue OBR
Another automatic weapon from the game "Medal of Honor: Warfighter" - Larue OBR in a dark color.
- Normally sits in the hands
- Medium quality
Have a good game!