Submachine guns for GTA San Andreas - 280 files
Kriss Vector from Survarium
Flower MX4 from SFPH Playpark
SFPH Playpark/Flower MX4
- Average quality of the model;
- Bright textures;
- Correct position in the hands;
- Small file size.
Toy Christmas Penguin from SFPH Playpark
SFPH Playpark/Christmas Penguin Toy
- Good quality model.
- Good quality textures.
- The fire goes correctly;
- Replaces mp5lng;
- Crooked sits in the hands.
Tek Z-10
Tek Z-10
- Good quality model;
- Good quality textures;
- Well sits in the hands;
- Has its own icon.
MAC-10 from the game Counter Strike: Global Offensive
- Good quality model;
- Good quality textures;
- Well sits in the hands.
Hidden MP5
Hidden MP5
- Good quality model;
- Good quality textures;
- Well sits in the hands;
- Has its own icon.
Chicago Typewriter M1928
Chicago Typewriter M1928
- Good quality model;
- Good quality textures;
- Envelope from PAYDAY 2;
- Your settings;
- Your sounds;
- Well sits in the hands.
MP5 Swordfish SMG
MP5 Swordfish SMG
- Models of high quality;
- High-quality conversion;
- The weapon sits well in the hands.
GTA 5 Shrewsbury Micro SMG
MP40 Sneaky Clown
MP40 Sneaky Clown from Free Fire for GTA San Andreas.
- Qualitative model;
- High-quality envelope.
Incorrect position in the hands.
Have a good game!