Introducing the Colt Defender Shotgun. The Colt Defender Mark I was an American multi-barreled shotgun intended for law enforcement or military use, completed in 1967. This mod adds a stylish and lightweight Colt Defender Shotgun variant to GTA San ...
Introducing the Remington 870 Sawed-off. The Remington 870 was the fourth major design in a series of Remington pump shotguns. John Pedersen designed the fragile Remington Model 10 (and later the improved Remington Model 29). This mod adds a stylish...
Blue Archive Hyakkaryouran Rifle — Spark of Youth Features: Good model; Not bad textures; Correct positioning in the hands; Custom icon. Enjoy the game. ...
Wakamo's favorite weapon. The barrel of the rifle, like Wakamo's joyful mood as summer approaches, emits bright crimson sparks towards anyone who gets in its way.
A short-barreled grenade launcher used by Sena. A tool used to quickly clear obstacles when dispatching emergency services. Obstacles include anything that gets in the way of your work.
Wakamo's favorite rifle from Blue Archive. Despite her old-fashioned appearance, she always smells of fire and gunpowder. Currently, it is often used to shoot at “obstacles” in the teacher’s vicinity.
Hasumi's favorite sniper rifle from Blue Archive. Smooth appearance with some old-fashioned good nature and, despite this, quite ferocious power - all this makes it similar to its owner.