Plot: due to problems at the military laboratory, an unknown virus broke out that turned people into zombies! the name of the main character Sem you are a commando and decided to save the city from an unknown virus! but besides the zombies, Mr. Wayla...
Something like a horror action movie, you work in a bank, you have a good salary, but suddenly some guy comes to your bank and demands some money. Soon after that, a friendly team was going to go to nature ... in the evening they heard the roar of a ...
About the mission: -There are 2 missions in the archive so far ((to be continued)) -There is an action -There is musical accompaniment throughout the mission -Storyline He was a young guy who did not have a wife, but had only one daughter. One day, h...
In a secret laboratory, experiments and experiments on humans are carried out. One day, one of the doctors made a mistake, and the subject escaped. The subject is you. You must take revenge on the owner of the Laboratory, the Black Doctor and escap...
Hello everyone! So, I present to you the sequel to the ! project! This is Ghetto , which, in general, was received by you more or less warmly. Just like in the first part, more bias is placed on plot and atmosphere , so less gameplay than dia...