This will add the ability to fly a radio-controlled drone. Some functions of this miracle: First/Third Person View - V Rocket Shot - RMB (only in first-person mode!) Autopilot - P Self Destruct - LMB See the ReadMe file for a compl...
Super Powers Nobody Asked For After installing this script, Carl will be able to kill enemies by farting and burping. Also all actions are accompanied by sounds. Features: Stable work of the script; All actions are accompanied by sounds; ...
The mod that was included in the New Lifeis now available for general download. With this script, you can jump out of the jetpack by pressing the Enter. Not realistic? But it's funny.
-Merry San Andreas- Author: Mikhalev Alexey. Version: 1.3 (final version) Email: Add. Information: This is the first and last project from me. Reason: left to learn C++ Friends! So the final version of the project "Merry San...
The mod will add three advertising airships, one over each city of San Andreas. Airships move slowly in a circle. If you have the extended draw distance mod installed, then airships will be visible at very large distances. For example: an airship th...
I originally made this mini-script for myself, for convenience. But then I decided to post it. Maybe someone will come in handy. After you are arrested or die, you will be restored to the same place where you died or were arrested with the set of wea...