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When you press num + appears 100 armor when pressed, num- appears 100 health strictly do not judge this is my 1st script!!!
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Armour + Health
При нажатии num + появляется 100 брони при нажатии, num- появляется 100 здоровья строго не судите это мой 1-ый скрипт!!!
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28 July 2020
GTA San Andreas

Heal Health with First Aid Kit V2.5 (Update 04/13/2021)
Medical Kit REMAKE v2.0 CLEOPlus Now Karl will be able to heal himself at any time, thanks to the first aid kit. It can be found on the map, in an ambulance or thanks to the "MEDIKAID" cheat code. To apply it, you need to sit down and press "TAB". ...
8 October 2022
GTA San Andreas

Burger Shot Food Pack Instead of Health Pickup
A package of food from Burger Shot instead of a health pickup truck for GTA San Andreas Replacing a health pickup (heart) with a bag of food from Burger Shot, made for myself, a model from the original game files. Suitable for lovers of realism in ...

168 kB
13 April 2010
GTA San Andreas

Machine health indicator
Machine health indicator. Here the police are chasing you, hitting the car, and you know where you need to jump out. The whole one is green, the yellow step is already damaged and the red step is the end of your car.
6 September 2010
GTA San Andreas

Low Health Wanted By INTERN
If you are tired of stupid cops and want more extreme sports, then here's this mod for you!) When you have wanted levels, Carl's health becomes low (it almost disappears) and only armor prevents him from killing himself! After you reset these levels,...
24 November 2010
GTA San Andreas

When CJ is low on health, the screen starts to wobble and blood is left behind CJ.
7 December 2010
GTA San Andreas

Health armor hunter and bandito
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19 June 2011
GTA San Andreas

Vehicle Health Meter v3
Your car will now have a damage indicator. It is blue at first. And when your car is low on health, it turns red and an audible warning sounds. To better understand, look at the screenshot.
26 October 2011
GTA San Andreas

Smoking is harmful to health (cleo)
I think the name is clear. The possibility is like in the game Postal 2, after we smoke health is added, but after a certain time health is taken away, in order to smoke, press F + Y.
22 December 2011
GTA San Andreas

Player health script
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21 January 2012
GTA San Andreas

Take care of your health
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22 January 2012
GTA San Andreas

ManHunt Save & Health
The modification replaces the "hearts" of life and floppy disks for saving, with jars of painkillers and video cassettes, respectively. This is exactly what the actor used a few years ago, who starred in the snuff film "Manhunt" from the same Rocksta...
12 February 2012
GTA San Andreas

Health Actor
Now you can see the state of the passerby in the form of numbers, go to the one you want to know the state of and aim at him, the weapon is not necessary, and his health will be shown in the form of numbers in the lower right corner.
18 November 2012
GTA San Andreas

Add / Decrease health
Technical cleo-script, for beginners and not only beginner scripters, which will allow you to easily manage the health of the player, just by pressing the appropriate keys on the keyboard. It will be especially useful for those who will write scripts...
30 June 2013
GTA San Andreas

Bonus health mod v 1.0
I thought for a long time what to do. And then the idea came to mind, to do something like a "bonus mod". Now from time to time, in the area where Cij is located, a bonus in the form of a heart (first aid kit) will appear. Such a bonus restores your ...
9 November 2013
GTA San Andreas

Health recovery as in GTA 5
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