RARE SaveGame

Saving with rare (unique) vehicles.
Game progress - 100%
Vehicles in garages:
LS (Los Santos):
Grove Street garage: FBI Truck
El Corona garage: S.W.A.T.
Mulholland garage: Phoenix
Dillimore garage: Hotknife
Santa Maria Beach garage: Berkleys RC Van
Palamino Creek garage: Sandking
SF (San-Fierro):
Hashbury: Blista Compact, 2 Hotring Racers
Doherty garage: Fire Truck, PCJ-600 (Black)
Calton Heights garage: Utility Van
Paradiso garage: Mower, Sweeper
LV (Las Venturas):
Verdant Meadows (LARGE) garage: News Chopper, Police Maverick, Cropduster
Verdant Meadows (SMALL) garage: Hustler
Cheat codes were not used!
Сохранение с редким (уникальным) транспортом.
Прогресс игры - 100%
Транспорт в гаражах:
LS (Los Santos):
Grove Street garage: FBI Truck
El Corona garage: S.W.A.T.
Mulholland garage: Phoenix
Dillimore garage: Hotknife
Santa Maria Beach garage: Berkleys RC Van
Palamino Creek garage: Sandking
SF (San-Fierro):
Hashbury: Blista Compact, 2 Hotring Racers
Doherty garage: Fire Truck, PCJ-600 (Black)
Calton Heights garage: Utility Van
Paradiso garage: Mower, Sweeper
LV (Las Venturas):
Verdant Meadows (LARGE) garage: News Chopper, Police Maverick, Cropduster
Verdant Meadows (SMALL) garage: Hustler
Чит-коды не использовались!
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