Crosshair Always On Screen // The crosshair is always on the screen
Crosshair Always On Screen // Crosshair Always On Screen
// Description:
- displays a permanent crosshair sight
- does not work when you are dead
- does not work when you are in the car
- does not work with Sniper Rifle, RPG, Heat Seeking Rocket, Camera
// Difference from mods that already exist on the site:
- crosshair done by text_draw
- without txd file
- does not conflict with scripts that display textures on the screen
// May be improved...
Crosshair Always On Screen // Прицел всегда на экране
// Описание:
- выводит на экран постоянный прицел в виде перекрестия
- не работает, когда вы мертвы
- не работает, когда вы в машине
- не работает с Sniper Rifle, RPG, Heat Seeking Rocket, Camera
// Отличие от модов, уже существующих на сайте:
- перекрестие выполнено text_draw'ом
- без txd файла
- не конфликтует со скриптами, выводящими текстуры на экран
// Возможно, будет дорабатываться...
Recommended files

Dragunov Sniper Rifle from C.O.D 4 M.W. v2.0

Point - sight



Loading screens on the theme of the Great Patriotic War

Displaying coordinates on the screen (cleo)

Drops of rain and blood on the screen as in GTA VC 3.0

Blood on the screen like in GTA V v1.01

Visual Objects Info (debug script) - Information about objects on the screen

Wanted stars always on screen - ViceBit

Scripter Tools - display all information directly on the screen

The weapon is on the player

Damage mark on the screen

Loading screens on the theme of the rap group AK-47