San Andreas Ambient Sounds (SAAS)

2 February
San Andreas Ambient Sounds is a modification that tries to “revive” the surrounding world of the state by adding background sounds. For example, in the port of Los Santos you will hear the horns of barges, the cries of seagulls and the noise of operating port cranes. Birds will sing in the forests, announcements of arriving trains will sound at railway stations, and the sounds of planes taking off can be heard near airports. At night, the countryside is filled with the sound of crickets, and during the day, the surrounding farms are filled with the mooing of cows and the cackling of chickens.
On the one hand, this is a worthy attempt to breathe a little more life into San Andreas, on the other hand, someone may consider it very pathetic, because... You won’t be able to find barges in the port of Los Santos or cows on farms even if you try. However, by installing other modifications these inconsistencies can be smoothed out a little.
To work, you must have the CLEO library installed (the current version was tested on version 4.3) and MoreOpcodes plugin from DK22Pac.
Installation is simple - the contents of the archive need to be unpacked into the CLEO folder.
The list of game areas where sounds are played is available in the ini file. It is shown incompletely below:
hidden text;Mont Chilliad
;global quietness (proportional to height)
;Port in SF
;shopping mall (LS)
;commerce center in Market (LS)
;dance clube in Idlewood (LS)
;dance clube in Queens (SF)
;Union Train Station (LS)
;Train Station Linder (LV)
;Train Station Yellow Bell (LV)
;Hi-Tech buildings in Foster Valley - SF
;Factory in Blueberry
;Easter Bay Chemicals (next to San Fierro Airport)
;Abandon deposit between Flint county and Red Count
;Sherman Dam (Tierra Robada)
;Sherman Dam (Tierra Robada)
;Freeway Tunnel South San Fierro
;Freeway Tunnel North San Fierro
;Tunnel 1 Whetstone
;Tunnel 2 Whetstone
;Tunnel south Airport Los Santos
;Tunnel under Verdant Bluffs (LS)
;Tunnel North-West Los Santos (part 1)
;Tunnel North-West Los Santos (part 2)
;Tunnel Entrance San Fierro near Airport
;Tunnel Tierra Robada (very north of San Fierro)
;Bell Church North San Fierro
;Bell Church Los Santos
;Bell Church Las Venturas
;Bell of the small Church in Las Venturas
;Grove and neihboorhood area — Day
;Grove and neihboorhood area — Night
;Los Santos People speaking
;San Fierro People speaking
;Las Venturas People speaking
;bayside Day (west Tierra Robada)
;Airport LS
;Airport SF
;Airport LV
;Los Santos North-East — Day
;Los Santos North-East — Night
;rich part of north Los Santos
;Verdant Bluffs (LS)
;all north part of Las Venturas
;Train station in Doherty (SF)
;Market Train Station (LS)
;little traffic reduction in south-east(Doherty)SF
;little traffic reduction in Rodeo Drive (LS)
;Park (San Fierro)
;Hashbury Park (San Fierro)
;Park Glen (east Los Santos)
;Cemetery Los Santos
;Tennis Club (LS)
;clothes shop near Doherty
;beach in Whetstone near Angel Pine — part 1
;beach in Whetstone near Angel Pine — part 2
;small pond nearby LS Airport
;small pond nearby Avispa (SF)
;small beach in Red County (near Panopticon)
;San Fierro bay (north)
;bayside (west Tierra Robada)
;Ocean docks (LS)
;north outter water
;south outter water
;forest Back o Beyond Night
;shaddy creek Night
;shore atmosphere for west SF
;north suburbia SF Day and Night
;center-north suburbia SF traffic reduction
;shopping mall at very north-east LV
;Fort Carson Day
;Fort Carson Night
;Los Santos Background Crowd
;Hotel Visage
;Cassino Camel's Toe
;West part of LS (slightly reduces traffic noise)
;Central part of LV (Strip nearby)
;bayside Day (west Tierra Robada)
;bayside Night(west Tierra Robada)
For each of the zones, it is possible to change the settings, but the main ones, in number of three, are as follows:
- turnOffRadio=1 ;Put 1 For better enjoy ambient sound — automatic switching off of the radio in the car;
- engineLowVol=1 ;They are irritating anyway, keep it 1 — muffling the engine sound level;
- globalVolume=1.0 ;Anything between 0.0 and 1.0 — Your taste — the general level of sounds from the mod.
! is available on GTAForums! topic for bug reports. Some report that based on indirect signs (turning off the radio in the car), they can conclude that the mod is starting, but the sounds themselves are not heard in the game. If you encounter a similar problem, make sure that you have codecs installed for playing mp3 files and that the volume in Windows is different from zero.
San Andreas Ambient Sounds — модификация, пытающаяся \"оживить\" окружающий мир штата путем добавления фоновых звуков. Так, например, в порту Лос Сантоса будут раздаваться гудки барж, крики чаек и шум работающих портовых кранов. В лесах будут петь птицы, на ЖД-станциях звучать объявления о прибывающих поездах, а поблизости от аэропортов можно услышать звуки взлетающих самолетов. По ночам в сельской местности раздается стрекотание сверчков, а днем прилегающие фермы наполняются мычанием коров и кудахтаньем кур.
С одной стороны, это — достойная попытка вдохнуть чуть-чуть больше жизни в Сан Андреас, с другой — кто-то может посчитать ее весьма жалкой, т.к. ни барж в порту Лос Сантоса, ни коров на фермах найти не удастся при всем желании. Впрочем, установкой других модификаций эти нестыковки можно немного сгладить.
Для работы необходимо наличие установленной библиотеки CLEO (текущая версия тестировалась на версии 4.3) и плагин MoreOpcodes от DK22Pac. Работа модификации гарантируется только на версии 1.0 US EXE.
Установка проста — содержимое архива нужно распаковать в папку CLEO.
Список игровых зон, где проигрываются звуки, доступен в ini-файле. Неполным он приведен ниже:
cкрытый текст;Mont Chilliad
;global quietness (proportional to height)
;Port in SF
;shopping mall (LS)
;commerce center in Market (LS)
;dance clube in Idlewood (LS)
;dance clube in Queens (SF)
;Union Train Station (LS)
;Train Station Linder (LV)
;Train Station Yellow Bell (LV)
;Hi-Tech buildings in Foster Valley — SF
;Factory in Blueberry
;Easter Bay Chemicals (next to San Fierro Airport)
;Abandon deposit between Flint county and Red Count
;Sherman Dam (Tierra Robada)
;Sherman Dam (Tierra Robada)
;Freeway Tunnel South San Fierro
;Freeway Tunnel North San Fierro
;Tunnel 1 Whetstone
;Tunnel 2 Whetstone
;Tunnel south Airport Los Santos
;Tunnel under Verdant Bluffs (LS)
;Tunnel North-West Los Santos (part 1)
;Tunnel North-West Los Santos (part 2)
;Tunnel Entrance San Fierro near Airport
;Tunnel Tierra Robada (very north of San Fierro)
;Bell Church North San Fierro
;Bell Church Los Santos
;Bell Church Las Venturas
;Bell of the small Church in Las Venturas
;Grove and neihboorhood area — Day
;Grove and neihboorhood area — Night
;Los Santos People speaking
;San Fierro People speaking
;Las Venturas People speaking
;bayside Day (west Tierra Robada)
;Airport LS
;Airport SF
;Airport LV
;Los Santos North-East — Day
;Los Santos North-East — Night
;rich part of north Los Santos
;Verdant Bluffs (LS)
;all north part of Las Venturas
;Train station in Doherty (SF)
;Market Train Station (LS)
;little traffic reduction in south-east(Doherty)SF
;little traffic reduction in Rodeo Drive (LS)
;Park ( San Fierro)
;Hashbury Park ( San Fierro)
;Park Glen (east Los Santos)
;Cemetery Los Santos
;Tennis Club (LS)
;clothes shop near Doherty
;beach in Whetstone near Angel Pine — part 1
;beach in Whetstone near Angel Pine — part 2
;small pond nearby LS Airport
;small pond nearby Avispa (SF)
;small beach in Red County (near Panopticon)
;San Fierro bay (north)
;bayside (west Tierra Robada)
;Ocean docks (LS)
;north outter water
;south outter water
;forest Back o Beyond Night
;shaddy creek Night
;shore atmosphere for west SF
;north suburbia SF Day and Night
;center-north suburbia SF traffic reduction
;shopping mall at very north-east LV
;Fort Carson Day
;Fort Carson Night
;Los Santos Background Crowd
;Hotel Visage
;Cassino 4 Dragons
;Cassino Camel's Toe
;West part of LS (slightly reduces traffic noise)
;Central part of LV (Strip nearby)
;bayside Day (west Tierra Robada)
;bayside Night(west Tierra Robada)
Для каждой из зон возможно изменение настроек, основные же, в количестве трех, следующие:
- turnOffRadio=1 ;Put 1 For better enjoy ambient sound — автоматическое выключение радио в машине;
- engineLowVol=1 ;They are irritating anyway, keep it 1 — приглушение уровня звука двигателя;
- globalVolume=1.0 ;Anything between 0.0 and 1.0 — Your taste — общий уровень звуков из мода.
на GTAForums доступен топик для баг-репортов. Некоторые сообщают, что по косвенным признакам (выключение радио в авто) они могут сделать вывод, что мод запускается, но самих звуков в игре не слышно. Если вы столкнулись с подобной проблемой, убедитесь, что у вас установлены кодеки для проигрывания mp3-файлов и громкость в Windows отличается от нулевой.
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