Grand Theft Auto San Andreas: Beta Version Mod

2 December 2024grand-theft-auto-san-andreas-beta_1733143962_237663.rar
Project trailer:
Features of Beta Mod V2:
Beta handling and Beta vehicle speed
Beta Motion Blur and cam shake when driving fast
Beta map Ganton
Beta loading screens
Beta sound quality
Beta animations CJ
Beta clothes
Beta sounds
The features of Beta Mod V1 are below as they are also present in V2.
Version 1.0 Features:
Beta Hood
Beta Transport
Beta Weapon
Beta Animation
Beta Vinewood Safehouse
Beta car processing
Beta graphics
Beta sky
Rusty Donuts is now available
Beta Pedestrians
Beta Caesar
Beta Big Smoke
Beta Ryder
Beta Sweet
Also gang clothes from beta.
Credits to:
Mark-Niko — for the Beta Vinewood House
Garju67 — for the Beta Vehicles
Seejay Seaman — for the Bigfoot mod
DK22Pac — for the Lensflare Mod
Edgar_macias & James227uk — for the Car Wash Mod
Thanks to:
Rockstar Games - for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, and for supporting our website/mods.
SiletPL — helping with simple cleo scrpit.
ZAZ — for Free Camera Moving mod (used in the trailer)
Oksu — for Slowdown mod (used in trailer)
Special thanks to:
The authors of the "Things To Do In San Andreas" and "San Beta" mod.
Team Members
MeltedSOX (Mod Leader)
Sebastianex (Mod Co-leader)
Трейлер проекта:
Особенности Beta Mod V2:
Бета handling и Beta скорость транспортных средств
Бета Motion Blur и cam shake при быстрой езде на машине
Бета map Ganton
Бета загрузочные экраны
Бета качество звуков
Бета анимации CJ
Бета одежда
Бета звуки
Особенности Beta Mod V1 ниже, так как они также присутствуют в V2.
Версия 1.0 Особенности:
Бета Худ
Бета Транспорт
Бета Оружие
Бета Анимация
Бета Vinewood Safehouse
Бета обработка автомобиля
Бета графика
Бета небо
Rusty Donuts теперь доступна
Бета Пешеходы
Бета Цезарь
Бета Big Smoke
Бета Ryder
Бета Sweet
Также одежда банд из беты.
Credits to:
Mark-Niko — for the Beta Vinewood House
Garju67 — for the Beta Vehicles
Seejay Seaman — for the Bigfoot mod
DK22Pac — for the Lensflare Mod
Edgar_macias & James227uk — for the Car Wash Mod
Thanks to:
Rockstar Games — for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, and for supporting our website/mods.
SiletPL — helping with simple cleo scrpit.
ZAZ — for Free Camera Moving mod (used in the trailer)
Oksu — for Slowdown mod (used in trailer)
Special thanks to:
The authors of the "Things To Do In San Andreas" and "San Beta" mod.
Team Members
MeltedSOX (Mod Leader)
Sebastianex (Mod Co-leader)
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