GTA San Andreas Beta Weapons v1.0

21 January 20221405971861_gta-sa-beta-weapons-v1.rar
Hello there,
I decided to make my own GTA San Andreas beta weapon pack. Just download and replace.
It isn\'t the final version. More updates to come!
The pack contains:
Based on game files
Bat with nails
Different Sawn off
PSG1 sniper rifle
Different spray can
Based on cutscenes
Wooden bat
Better textured Golf Club
Based on weapon icon
Ak47 without the stock
PSG1 sniper rifle
Based on screenshot
Uzi from Vice City
Additional information
All these models were found in the game files. Converted, fixed and polished by me. Every weapon has new and shiny icon. Camera and sniper PSG1 have HQ scope textures.
Weapons like bat with nails, Sawn off, PSG1, M4 (and MP5-K, which is not ready yet) were taken from the Manhunt game by the devs. For some reasons, these models, in GTA game files, use some kind of dirt texture. That is why I took original textures from the Manhunt game. BTW they fit perfectly without any modifications, since the models are the same.
This pack was made by Vadim M.
If you want to post this mod somewhere else, contact me to ask my permission. This can be done by email, which can be found in the readme. Moreover, you are not allowed to change structure of this archive.
Thanks for understanding.
This pack is basen on these finds
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