BMX tricks
Once you've mounted your BMX, you won't fall off
bike never, even in the most severe crashes.
While jumping on BMX, time slows down a bit...
In the jump, you can spin left and right.
Also in the jump, you can change to move the weight..
up and down, that's kind of a trick too.
Very well-chosen animation for tricks.
And a super-fun mod: you can jump straight out of the saddle
while moving, CJ gets on the seat and jumps...
And... if any car is driving with you, then CJ
cling to it and throw out the driver.
Well, I think everyone knows how to perform a standard jump
on bmx. While jumping in the air, hold down the keys:
or right (CJ will rotate right), or left
(CJ will rotate to the left), similarly up down .
For ease of execution, use the cursor arrows.
To jump out of the saddle on a bike while moving
press the ctrl key (car shooting).
fast and easy
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