The Prison Mod v 1.0
This mod replaces a boring military base with a huge maximum security prison!
Getting there is very easy. If you commit a crime, instead of being sent to the police station, you will be sent there!
There is a large forest around the prison. Also added new objects to nearby areas.
The prison itself is very high quality! There are various territories, houses, buildings and much more!
But the most important thing is that the mod does not remove more than one standard object on the military base! Everything is done in a separate IPL file.
Have a good game!
P.S: Check if your data folder is clean. If not, open gta.dat and write this: IPL DATAMAPScountrythe prison.IPL
If the folder is clean, feel free to replace gta.dat with the gta.dat file from the archive.
fast and easy
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