Source Code May 11, 2011
This version of Source Code is compatible with Cleo 4! The Cleo 3 and Cleo 4 libraries are located in the "Cleo Libraries" folder. Before installation, CAREFULLY read the description so that there are no questions!
Source Code can be placed ONLY ON GTA San Andreas Original Eng! Before installation, do not forget to make copies of the modified files and delete the Cleo folder!
Source code MAY 11 2011 for GTA San Andreas.
- bug with time loop (now, if Delorean is sent without himself, he will remember the time from where he arrived);
- engine sound for BTTF2 Flying. Now it works like a ground Delorean.
- added mission with BTTF2. If you fly in thunderstorms within 20 mph, you may be struck by lightning. If the Delorean has been damaged before, it may catch fire! If time schemes were enabled at that time, the Delorean will move to JAN 01 1885 ' 12:00;
- cars: 2015 police, BTTF3 Railroad, Libyan car;
- BTTF3 Railroad skids! To be able to drive it without skidding, run the installation package "Without skidding", select the folder with the game and click "Install";
- from the very beginning of the game, the entire GTA San Andreas is open (all cities are unlocked). In this regard, there is only one place left where you can take plutonium;
- you can call another yourself! If you don't have a Delorean, press "T/E" + "H/P" and you'll spawn another BTTF2 in front of you. When the Delorean stops, the other you will turn off the engine, get out of the car and fill up the Delorean. When a marker appears above the car, get into the Delorean and wait until another you gets into your car. When he picks up the appointment time, move. When you get out of the car, the other one will fill up the Delorean and take off;
- scoring of the radio control mode (gas / brake / hand brake / on / off);
- movement effects for BTTF1 and BTTF2 turn on at 88 mph, for BTTF3 - at 65, for BTTF3 Railroad - at 83;
- from 3001, gravity will gradually decrease;
- there is a train mission for BTTF3 Railroad. When you get into the Delorean, a tractor icon will appear on the radar. Ride to it and stand on the marker, which is located on the rails, then press "2";
- the engine of BTTF1 now stalls only when it is not refueled;
- all Deloreans need to start the engine;
- in the garage you can now choose:
1) DMC 12 Delorean;
2) BTTF1 Delorean (with license plate);
3) BTTF1 Delorean w/o hook (with hook);
4) BTTF1 Delorean w/ hook (without everything);
5) BTTF1 Delorean and Eynshteyn (Delorean with license plate and Einstein);
6) BTTF2 Delorean;
7) BTTF3 Delorean;
8) BTTF3 Railroad Delorean;
- after moving to BTTF1 Delorean'e, which has a license plate, the license plate is spinning, and if you move with a hook, the hook will disappear;
- You can fly and swim in cars from July 1, 2014. To change the mode, press "Secondary Fire". There are four modes in total:
- "OFF"; in this mode, you can neither swim nor fly;
- "FLY"; in this mode, you can only fly;
- SWIM; in this mode, you can only swim;
- "FLY and SWIM"; In this mode, you can fly and swim.
If you can fly, then when you press the "Fire" key, the car will quickly stop, if you use the "Handbrake" - it will accelerate within 100 miles / hour;
- Added years of war. The war begins on April 12, 1861 and ends on June 23, 1865;
- if in the past before 1981 you are noticed on the ground Delorean'e, then you can get 2 wanted stars, and if you fly on BTTF2 before 2014, then you can get 3 wanted stars, depending on which policeman get caught;
- the duration of the steam coming from Delorean changes after moving (maybe 3 minutes, maybe 30 seconds);
- after saving the game, the amount of plutonium and the date are saved;
- after moving to the BTTF1 or BTTF3 Railroad, when opening the doors, ice crunch is heard and steam comes out of the turbines;
- BTTF1 w/o hook can put/remove the hook;
- if the Delorean is slightly damaged, then when the circuits are closed, the date JAN 01 1885 ' 12:00 flashes. If the Delorean is badly damaged, then any date may flash (for example, ERR 00 0000 , 64:98). If the Delorean is very badly damaged, then the circuits are simply deactivated;
- if the Delorean is badly damaged, fueled, the circuits are turned on and the doors are closed, then it can move by itself without accelerating to 88 miles / hour;
- added height sensor.
- added Cleo script "Save wherever you want";
- when you try to refuel BTTF1 and you have no plutonium, an icon will appear on the map where the plutonium is located. To make the marker appear, get out of the car! When you take plutonium (you need to stand on the marker for a while), Libyans will appear who will shoot at you from AK - 47. The icon on the radar will disappear;
- removed the flight limit for BTTF2 Flying with the wheels retracted. To turn off the flying mode forcibly, touch the wheels of the earth, or press the "Turn on / off the engine" key;
- new type of temporal contour (as in the film; point above - AM, point below - PM);
- new Delorean models;
- new effects;
- new sounds.
1) Regardless, new or default control:
- to enable/disable the beeper, press "F4";
- to change the force of acceleration for cars of the future (if the "FLY" mode is enabled) or for BTTF2 flying, press the following buttons:
- "X/Ch" - reduction of acceleration;
- "С/С" - acceleration increase. - to turn on / off the speedometer, press "F5" (sitting in the car or driving it via radio control);
- to enable/disable the time loop, press "F7" (the time loop will not be shown, but the charts will function. Turn on/off the time loop only if the charts are on and you are sitting in the car);
- if you are sitting in the car and press "F5", then the left rear door will open / close, if "F6" - the left front door will open / close, if "F7" - the right rear door will open / close, if "F8" - it will open / the right front door will close, "F9" - the trunk will open / close, "F10" - the hood will open / close;
- to enable/disable the blocking of schemes from movement (in this mode, the time loop will work, but the movement schemes will not be activated), press "F11";
- to put/remove the hook from BTTF1 w/o hook, go to the right door and press the "Action" button;
- to enable/disable the time loop, press either "+" or "Num +"; - appointment time is entered in the following format: month (two digits, 01 to 12), day (two digits, 01 to 31), year (four digits, 0000 to 9999), hour (two digits, 00 to 23 ) and minutes (two digits, 00 to 59) (For example, 102619850121 = OCT 26 1985 01:21). You can change only the date (10261985 - OCT 26 1985) or only the time (0121 - 01:21). After entering the numbers, press "-" or "Num -";
- if you click on "Fire" on BTTF2 Flying, then you will stop almost instantly;
- to accelerate in the air on BTTF2 Flying, press "Handbrake";
- if you control the Delorean'om BTTF2 using radio control, then after pressing the "Action" key you can switch between ground and flying modes. Controls: Button "Up" - tilt forward, button "Down" - tilt back; button "Left" - tilt to the left; button "Right" - tilt to the right; button "Run" - rise above; button "Jump" - let go below; button "Sight" - acceleration; button "Previous weapon" - turn left; button "Next weapon" - turn right;
- to enable/disable BTTF2's flying mode, click on "Secondary Fire". While the wheels are folded, Delorean will not be able to accelerate in the air (only brake);
2) If you set up a new control:
- to start/stop the engine, press "F12";
- to switch travel mode ("Instant" or "From the side"), press "Handbrake" + "Horn".
- turning on/off the autopilot is carried out by the key combination "Get in/Get out of the car" + "Action". The autopilot only works if the Delorean has timing circuits enabled and is fueled;
3) If you have set the default control:
- to start/stop the engine, press "I/Sh";
- to switch travel mode ("Instant" or "From the side"), press "M/b";
- turning on / off the autopilot is called by the "Z / Z" key. The autopilot only works if the Delorean has timing circuits enabled and is fueled.
- if you get into a Delorean with the engine not running, the sound of starting the engine is still not played;
- try not to send several Deloreans at the same time, as the game may crash;
- if you went to a date where cars do not drive at all, then the cars are still standing (they may be in the year 0000).
Don't forget to MAKE a copy of the gta3.img file!!!
Installation instructions inside.
Source Code can be placed ONLY ON GTA San Andreas Original Eng! Before installation, do not forget to make copies of the modified files and delete the Cleo folder!
Source code MAY 11 2011 for GTA San Andreas.
- bug with time loop (now, if Delorean is sent without himself, he will remember the time from where he arrived);
- engine sound for BTTF2 Flying. Now it works like a ground Delorean.
- added mission with BTTF2. If you fly in thunderstorms within 20 mph, you may be struck by lightning. If the Delorean has been damaged before, it may catch fire! If time schemes were enabled at that time, the Delorean will move to JAN 01 1885 ' 12:00;
- cars: 2015 police, BTTF3 Railroad, Libyan car;
- BTTF3 Railroad skids! To be able to drive it without skidding, run the installation package "Without skidding", select the folder with the game and click "Install";
- from the very beginning of the game, the entire GTA San Andreas is open (all cities are unlocked). In this regard, there is only one place left where you can take plutonium;
- you can call another yourself! If you don't have a Delorean, press "T/E" + "H/P" and you'll spawn another BTTF2 in front of you. When the Delorean stops, the other you will turn off the engine, get out of the car and fill up the Delorean. When a marker appears above the car, get into the Delorean and wait until another you gets into your car. When he picks up the appointment time, move. When you get out of the car, the other one will fill up the Delorean and take off;
- scoring of the radio control mode (gas / brake / hand brake / on / off);
- movement effects for BTTF1 and BTTF2 turn on at 88 mph, for BTTF3 - at 65, for BTTF3 Railroad - at 83;
- from 3001, gravity will gradually decrease;
- there is a train mission for BTTF3 Railroad. When you get into the Delorean, a tractor icon will appear on the radar. Ride to it and stand on the marker, which is located on the rails, then press "2";
- the engine of BTTF1 now stalls only when it is not refueled;
- all Deloreans need to start the engine;
- in the garage you can now choose:
1) DMC 12 Delorean;
2) BTTF1 Delorean (with license plate);
3) BTTF1 Delorean w/o hook (with hook);
4) BTTF1 Delorean w/ hook (without everything);
5) BTTF1 Delorean and Eynshteyn (Delorean with license plate and Einstein);
6) BTTF2 Delorean;
7) BTTF3 Delorean;
8) BTTF3 Railroad Delorean;
- after moving to BTTF1 Delorean'e, which has a license plate, the license plate is spinning, and if you move with a hook, the hook will disappear;
- You can fly and swim in cars from July 1, 2014. To change the mode, press "Secondary Fire". There are four modes in total:
- "OFF"; in this mode, you can neither swim nor fly;
- "FLY"; in this mode, you can only fly;
- SWIM; in this mode, you can only swim;
- "FLY and SWIM"; In this mode, you can fly and swim.
If you can fly, then when you press the "Fire" key, the car will quickly stop, if you use the "Handbrake" - it will accelerate within 100 miles / hour;
- Added years of war. The war begins on April 12, 1861 and ends on June 23, 1865;
- if in the past before 1981 you are noticed on the ground Delorean'e, then you can get 2 wanted stars, and if you fly on BTTF2 before 2014, then you can get 3 wanted stars, depending on which policeman get caught;
- the duration of the steam coming from Delorean changes after moving (maybe 3 minutes, maybe 30 seconds);
- after saving the game, the amount of plutonium and the date are saved;
- after moving to the BTTF1 or BTTF3 Railroad, when opening the doors, ice crunch is heard and steam comes out of the turbines;
- BTTF1 w/o hook can put/remove the hook;
- if the Delorean is slightly damaged, then when the circuits are closed, the date JAN 01 1885 ' 12:00 flashes. If the Delorean is badly damaged, then any date may flash (for example, ERR 00 0000 , 64:98). If the Delorean is very badly damaged, then the circuits are simply deactivated;
- if the Delorean is badly damaged, fueled, the circuits are turned on and the doors are closed, then it can move by itself without accelerating to 88 miles / hour;
- added height sensor.
- added Cleo script "Save wherever you want";
- when you try to refuel BTTF1 and you have no plutonium, an icon will appear on the map where the plutonium is located. To make the marker appear, get out of the car! When you take plutonium (you need to stand on the marker for a while), Libyans will appear who will shoot at you from AK - 47. The icon on the radar will disappear;
- removed the flight limit for BTTF2 Flying with the wheels retracted. To turn off the flying mode forcibly, touch the wheels of the earth, or press the "Turn on / off the engine" key;
- new type of temporal contour (as in the film; point above - AM, point below - PM);
- new Delorean models;
- new effects;
- new sounds.
1) Regardless, new or default control:
- to enable/disable the beeper, press "F4";
- to change the force of acceleration for cars of the future (if the "FLY" mode is enabled) or for BTTF2 flying, press the following buttons:
- "X/Ch" - reduction of acceleration;
- "С/С" - acceleration increase. - to turn on / off the speedometer, press "F5" (sitting in the car or driving it via radio control);
- to enable/disable the time loop, press "F7" (the time loop will not be shown, but the charts will function. Turn on/off the time loop only if the charts are on and you are sitting in the car);
- if you are sitting in the car and press "F5", then the left rear door will open / close, if "F6" - the left front door will open / close, if "F7" - the right rear door will open / close, if "F8" - it will open / the right front door will close, "F9" - the trunk will open / close, "F10" - the hood will open / close;
- to enable/disable the blocking of schemes from movement (in this mode, the time loop will work, but the movement schemes will not be activated), press "F11";
- to put/remove the hook from BTTF1 w/o hook, go to the right door and press the "Action" button;
- to enable/disable the time loop, press either "+" or "Num +"; - appointment time is entered in the following format: month (two digits, 01 to 12), day (two digits, 01 to 31), year (four digits, 0000 to 9999), hour (two digits, 00 to 23 ) and minutes (two digits, 00 to 59) (For example, 102619850121 = OCT 26 1985 01:21). You can change only the date (10261985 - OCT 26 1985) or only the time (0121 - 01:21). After entering the numbers, press "-" or "Num -";
- if you click on "Fire" on BTTF2 Flying, then you will stop almost instantly;
- to accelerate in the air on BTTF2 Flying, press "Handbrake";
- if you control the Delorean'om BTTF2 using radio control, then after pressing the "Action" key you can switch between ground and flying modes. Controls: Button "Up" - tilt forward, button "Down" - tilt back; button "Left" - tilt to the left; button "Right" - tilt to the right; button "Run" - rise above; button "Jump" - let go below; button "Sight" - acceleration; button "Previous weapon" - turn left; button "Next weapon" - turn right;
- to enable/disable BTTF2's flying mode, click on "Secondary Fire". While the wheels are folded, Delorean will not be able to accelerate in the air (only brake);
2) If you set up a new control:
- to start/stop the engine, press "F12";
- to switch travel mode ("Instant" or "From the side"), press "Handbrake" + "Horn".
- turning on/off the autopilot is carried out by the key combination "Get in/Get out of the car" + "Action". The autopilot only works if the Delorean has timing circuits enabled and is fueled;
3) If you have set the default control:
- to start/stop the engine, press "I/Sh";
- to switch travel mode ("Instant" or "From the side"), press "M/b";
- turning on / off the autopilot is called by the "Z / Z" key. The autopilot only works if the Delorean has timing circuits enabled and is fueled.
- if you get into a Delorean with the engine not running, the sound of starting the engine is still not played;
- try not to send several Deloreans at the same time, as the game may crash;
- if you went to a date where cars do not drive at all, then the cars are still standing (they may be in the year 0000).
Don't forget to MAKE a copy of the gta3.img file!!!
Installation instructions inside.
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