Trailer Pack (Gas,Container,Car Transporter)

Here is another pack of trailers from me.
The mods are very detailed!
With European and American trucks, the trailer pack looks great.
I hope you will like it.
Container trailer authors: Igor Samson, EED123. (Remaking trailer for GTS - vetos,Maxhamelion).
Tanker trailer authors: cZak, Mr_Zeg, Krokus,OSTeam.(Wheels by xaker_tm,little remake for GTA ExclusiveUA).
Car Transporter: by Syncron.
Trailers Converted by ExclusiveUA
Works great in SAMPu27e.
Вот еще пак прицепов от меня.
Моды отлично детализированы!
С Европейскими и с Американскими грузовиками пак прицепов смотрится отлично.
Надеюсь вам понравится.
Container trailer authors: Igor Samson, EED123. (Remaking trailer for GTS - vetos,Maxhamelion).
Tanker trailer authors: cZak, Mr_Zeg, Krokus,OSTeam.(Wheels by xaker_tm,little remake for GTA ExclusiveUA).
Car Transporter: by Syncron.
Trailers Converted by ExclusiveUA
Отлично работает в SAMP\u27e.
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