In Steven Spielberg's movie, ET, why is the alien brown?
Without a reason.
In "Love Story", why do the main characters fall in love with each other without memory?
Without a reason.
"JFK", Oliver Stone, why is the president suddenly killed by some stranger?
Without a reason.
In Toby Hupper's excellent Chainsaw Massacre, why don't they show the characters going to the toilet or washing their hands like they do in real life?
There is no reason for that.
Furthermore. In "Pianist", Palland. How is it that this guy is forced to hide and live like a bum, despite being so great at playing the piano?
Again, the answer is: No reason.
I can go on for hours. There are a lot of examples, the list is endless.
You probably never thought about it. But all great films, without exception, contain an important element of perfection.
And know why?
Because many things in life have no reason.
Why can't we see air?
Without a reason.
Without a reason.
Why do some people love sausages and some people hate them?
For no reason, (...)
This mod was built on the plot of the movie "Rubber" (Tire).
An old, worn-out tire named Robert suddenly comes to life and begins to drive around the city and destroy everything in its path. He starts small. First, he crushes bottles, pebbles. Then more and more. Starts killing small animals and then people... With this mod you can feel like Robert. You need to replace the bike with a tire, and put an invisible character through the skin selector.
Have a nice game everyone!!!
fast and easy
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