HVY Brickade
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19 March 2025hvy-brickade_1742387458_191490.rar
HVY Brickade — это массивный грузовик, специально разработанный для перевозки тяжелых грузов и преодоления сложных дорожных условий. Благодаря своей прочной конструкции и мощному двигателю, он идеально подходит для выполнения сложных задач в условиях бездорожья.
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11 June 2016
GTA San Andreas

GTAV HVY Brickade
HVY Brickade is a 6-wheeled armored truck from GTA Online: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony. - replaces Dune (ID 573); - own collision and shadow; - damage (front bumper, doors, windshield); - 1 extra; - 4 seats (1 driver, 3 passenger)...
1 February 2018
GTA San Andreas

Features: - There are damages. -Your own shadow. -Open source. - There is a bottom. -Adjusted collision.

1012 kB
18 October 2015
GTA San Andreas

GTAV HVY Insurgent
Envelope HVY Insurgent from GTA V. - replaces FBI Truck (ID 528); - own LOD (vlo), shadow and collision; - the back door opens correctly; - damaged windows and bumpers; - regular and IVF variants. Updated November 6, 2016: IVF version, some bugs fi...
2 January 2018
GTA San Andreas

GTAV HVY Forklift
GTA V HVY Forklift for GTA San Andreas. Description: - There are damages. - Easy LOD. - Flat shadow. - Customized collision. - Polygons 8 786. - Android version - IVF211+ASI12 version. - Android version. - Not tested in SA-MP/MTA. - Tested with ENB3...
2 MB
5 January 2018
GTA San Andreas

GTA V HVY Cutter for GTA San Andreas. Model HVY Cutter from GTA 5. Author - Rockstar Games. Converted - SergeDV. HVY Cutter is a special tunnel drilling machine. In GTA San Andreas can be used to drive on busy sidewalks and beaches to "harvest" ...

3 MB
1 February 2018
GTA San Andreas

HVY Mixer GTA V for GTA San Andreas. Model from GTA 5. Features: - Adapted to SA LIGHTS. - Adapted to IVF 2.1.1. - HQ interior. - There are damages. - Adapted to Active Dashboard 3.2.1. Have a good game!

12 MB
19 February 2018
GTA San Andreas

GTA V HVY Dozer (Custom) for GTA San Andreas. Features: -Your settings. -Your own shadow. -Model of average quality. -Adjusted collision. -Correct landing GG. -The bucket can be raised. Have a good game!
22 February 2018
GTA San Andreas

HVY Bulldozer GTA V Next Gen
HVY Bulldozer GTA V Next Gen for GTA San Andreas. Features: - Adapted to SA Lights - Adapted for ImVehFt. - Quality interior. - There are damages. - Adapted to AMS 3.2.1. Have a good game!

9 MB
3 July 2018
GTA San Andreas

GTAV HVY Skylift
GTA V HVY Skylift for GTA San Andreas. Features: - Your shadow. - Your settings. - Open source. Have a good game!

1 MB
17 July 2018
GTA San Andreas

GTAV HVY Chernobog
GTA V HVY Chernobog for GTA San Andreas. Features: - Your shadow. - Customized collision. - Several versions. - Envelope from GTA 5. Have a good game!
19 March 2019
GTA San Andreas

HVY Cutter from GTA 5
GTA V HVY Cutter for GTA SA. Features: - Qualitative model; - Scale 110%; - Working optics; - Compatible with VehFuncs v0.9.1; - Compatible with ImVehFt v2.1.1; - The model supports all the main functions of the game. Have a good game!

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27 March 2019
GTA San Andreas

HVY Menacer from GTA Online
GTA V HVY Menacer for GTA SA. Features: - Qualitative model; - Scale 100%. - Polygonal base 29,994; - 4 extras; - Editable number in the style of GTA 5; - 20 camouflage skins; - Cleo script for weapons; - Damaged all parts except the hood; - Your ...

12 MB
19 August 2019
GTA San Andreas

HVY Mixer Second Gen from GTA 5
GTA V HVY Mixer Second Gen for GTA SA! Features: - Right size; - Properly tuned suspension; - Beautiful body; - Detailed salon; - Supports all the main functions of the game; - Fixed some bugs; - The car goes well with the atmosphere of the game

2 MB
19 September 2019
GTA San Andreas

HVY Mixer First Gen from GTA 5
GTA V HVY Mixer First Gen for GTA San Andreas. Features: - Qualitative model; - High-quality envelope; - Scale 110%; - The correct position of the player; - Working lights, suspension and functional components; - Compatible with ImVehFt v2.1.1. - ...

2 MB
6 October 2019
GTA San Andreas

HVY APC from GTA 5
GTAV HVY APC SA Style for GTA SA! Features: - Beautiful body; - Supports all the main functions of the game; - Fixed some bugs; - The car goes well with the atmosphere of the game
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