Reaper's Enhanced Armoury
26 March 2025V1.3 HFreapers-enhanced-armoury_1742998772_769143.zipPassword for the archive: libertycity
Update : V 1.3 HF — a quick hotfix, i forgot to add glowing pickups script
Update : V 1.3 — Fixed some Fastman92 limit adjuster issues, adjusted some weapon parameters, m249 has been nerfed, M60 has been buffed, Aug has Been buffed, Added Implementation of Abandoned Military Tower, Fixed Model Variations causing cutscene peds to spawn with M60, Improved the M60 Model
(Next Update Will Bring New Guns, So Be Prepared :D !!!!!)
Update : V 1.2 — Fixed Major Start up & loading game crashes, Added The Skateboard with pickups, Improved M249 Model and Improved SVD Dragunov Model, made m249 stronger added open limit adjuster to fix crashes
Update : V 1.1 — Fixed Some Floating Pickups near bayside of Sf, Improved P90,M9,Mp5k Model, and adjusted some weapon parameter
This Weapon pack was actually made for my modpack, but my friend requested so i uploaded it here.
This Is the First Ever Added Weapons pack that Includes the following:
- Pedestrians use added weapons
- Well hidden weapon pickups
- Custom weapons in ammunation
- Custom reload animation for individual weapons
Weapons included:
- Glock
- Glock Silenced
- Beretta m9
- Colt Python
- Wildey Magnum
- Mauser C96
- AA-12
- Stubby Shotgun
Sub-Machine guns:
- MP5K
- UZI 9mm
- P90
- jatimatic
- Skorpion
- Mac-10
Assault rifles:
- M16
- Ruger
- Steyr Aug
Sniper rifles:
- Svd Dragunov
- Barrett M82
Heavy weapons:
- M60
- M249
Special weapons:
- Medkit
- Skateboard
The mod is compatible with most other mods, but we recommend installing it on a clean GTA to avoid errors, it is up to you to install other types of mods later.
- Creator of all the weapons and Icons : Simca_Diplomatico , FranciscoAlefe , Slingshot , Rockstar Games , Schnitzel.Nazi , Shimada , Neon , Alt_99 , Reaper:D(myself) , A.P Vision , Son Of Big Boss
- Creator of sounds : Reaper:D(myself) , rockstar games , Simca_Diplomatico , KalikoKyle , [0P][S]hoote[R]
- Creator of Scripts : Artem. , M4urii , Artem_kostromi , HzanRsxa2959 , Neon , Junior_Djjr , MKKJ , rill_ , cjfan , Dun
- Creator of Fastman92 Limit Adjuster : Fastman92
- Creator of Weapon Animations : Reaper (Modifications) , clumsie , Arturo Casasnovas , ? (if you recognize your animations contact me with proof i will add your name to credits)
- Creator and modifier of Glowing Pickups Script : Kagikn , Junior_Djjr for source code , modifying to make it compatible with added weapons pack : gillianmc
- Creators of Skate Mod Remake : Artem. , vladvo , KaiQ
- Creators of Open Limit Adjuster : LINK/2012 , ThirteenAG , Blackbird88 , aap , DK22Pac , fastman92 , maxorator , Silent , Wesser , Junior_Djjr
- Creator of Abandoned Military Tower : skann, Reaper (script fixes)
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