GTA 4 Textures for Los Santos
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159.72 Mb
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Files with known extensions that were found in the archive.
airoads_las.txd, airport2.txd, airport3_las.txd, airport_las.txd, airportdetail.txd, airprtrunway_las.txd, ammu_lan2.txd, apartmentalpha.txd, archlax.txd, arprtxxref_las.txd, b_fen_wood.txd, backroad_sfs.txd, badlands.txd, bakery_sfse.txd, bakerybit2_sfse.txd, bakerybit_sfse.txd, ballypillar01.txd, ballyring01.txd, ballys01.txd, ballys02.txd, ballysesc01.txd, ballysign01.txd, ballyswater.txd, bar_chainlink.txd, barrelexpos.txd, barrier.txd, barrierblk.txd, barrierm.txd, barrio1_lae.txd, barrio1_lae2.txd, baseball_sfsx.txd, baseballground_sfs.txd, bball_hpx.txd, bballcpark1.txd, bballvgnint.txd, bballvgnintlod.txd, bballx.txd, bbpcpx.txd, bdupshouse_lae.txd, bdwinx.txd, beach_lae2.txd, beach_las.txd, beach_las2.txd, beach_sfs.txd, beachapts_lax.txd, beachball.txd, beachbx_sfw.txd, beachhut.txd, beachhut_lod.txd, beacliff_law2.txd, beafron1_law2.txd, beafron2_law2.txd, benches.txd, benches_cj.txd, benchm.txd, bendytunnel_sfse.txd, bev_law2.txd, bevcunto2_lahills.txd, bevmalod1_la.txd, bevmans01_la.txd, big_vic1.txd, bigboxtemp1.txd, bigbuildlawn.txd, bighangarsfxr.txd, bigoldbuild_sfe.txd, bigshap_sfw.txd, bigshapx.txd, bigshed_sfse.txd, bigwhitesfe.txd, billbox.txd, billbrd.txd, billbrd01_lan.txd, billbrd01_lan2.txd, billbrdlawn.txd, billbrdlod_lan.txd, bistro.txd, bistro_alpha.txd, bistro_plants.txd, bjmptx.txd, blacksky_sfse.txd, blackwestran1_lae2.txd, blkbrdx.txd, blockalpha.txd, blokmodb.txd, blokpalet.txd, boigas_sfe.txd, boigas_sfw.txd, bombshop_las.txd, bombshop_sfe.txd, boneyard.txd, bonus.txd, bottle_bank.txd, boxes.txd, boxhses_sfsx.txd, boxybld2_sfw.txd, boxybld_sfw.txd, break_ballx.txd, break_bar.txd, break_f_mesh.txd, break_f_w.txd, break_farm.txd, break_fen_mesh.txd, break_fen_mesh2.txd, break_fence1.txd, break_fence3.txd, break_garden.txd, break_pallet.txd, break_road.txd, break_road_ws.txd, break_s_bins.txd, break_s_box.txd, break_s_fillers.txd, break_s_sf.txd, break_s_ws.txd, break_scaffold.txd, break_street1.txd, break_street2.txd, breifcase.txd, bridgeland_sfse.txd, bs_sfs.txd, bskball_standext.txd, buildblk55.txd, buildblk555.txd, buildingsitevge.txd, buildtestlawn.txd, bulkheadlight.txd, buoy.txd, burgalrystore_sfse.txd, burgsh01_law.txd, burnsalpha.txd, burnsground.txd, bustopm.txd, cables_sfe.txd, cables_sfn.txd, cables_sfw.txd, calfed_sfe.txd, canalsg_law.txd, canopy.txd, capitol_lawn.txd, car_ship_sfse.txd, caravanprk_sfn.txd, cargo_rear.txd, carimpound_sfe.txd, carpark3_lvs.txd, carpark_sfe.txd, carparkssfn.txd, carrier_sfse.txd
Total downloads: 81
Unique downloads: 73
19 December 2024tekstury-gta-4-dlja-ls_1734602604_136722.rar
This mod replaces all of Los Santos' textures with high-quality textures from GTA 4.
Buildings, roads, etc. New textures for GTA SA that don't heavily load the game.
Ideal for weak PCs.
Everything looks nice, the textures are not lost.
The lighting of skyscrapers is also from GTA 4.
- Replace the textures in IMGTool or any other program.
The file name and description have been translated. Show original
(RU)Show translation
Текстуры из GTA 4 для Los Santos
Мод заменит текстуры всего Лос Сантоса на качественные текстуры из GTA 4.
Здания, дороги и т д. Новые текстуры для GTA SA, которые не сильно нагружают игру.
Идеально для слабых ПК.
Выглядит всё приятно, текстуры не теряются.
Освещение небоскребов тоже из GTA 4.
- Заменяем текстуры в IMGTool или другой любой программе.
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