Coraline's Nightmare Location
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60.76 Mb
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airport.ifp, attractors.ifp, bar.ifp, barriers1.ipl, barriers2.ipl, baseball.ifp, bd_fire.ifp, beach.ifp, benchpress.ifp, bf_injection.ifp, bike_dbz.ifp, biked.ifp, bikeh.ifp, bikeleap.ifp, bikes.ifp, bikev.ifp, blowjobz.ifp, bmx.ifp, bomber.ifp, box.ifp, bsktball.ifp, buddy.ifp, bus.ifp, camera.ifp, car.ifp, car_chat.ifp, carry.ifp, carter.ipl, casino.ifp, ce_oldhut1.col, ce_oldhut1.dff, chainsaw.ifp, choppa.ifp, clothes.ifp, coach.ifp, colt45.ifp, conhoos1.col, conhoos1.dff, conhoos2.col, conhoos2.dff, conhoos4.col, conhoos4.dff, cop_ambient.ifp, cop_dvbyz.ifp, countn2.ifp, countn2_stream0.ipl, countn2_stream1.ipl, countn2_stream2.ipl, countn2_stream3.ipl, countn2_stream4.ipl, countn2_stream5.ipl, countn2_stream6.ipl, countn2_stream7.ipl, countn2_stream8.ipl, countrye.ide, countrye.ifp, countrye.ipl, countrye_3.col, countrye_stream0.ipl, countrye_stream1.ipl, countrye_stream10.ipl, countrye_stream11.ipl, countrye_stream12.ipl, countrye_stream13.ipl, countrye_stream2.ipl, countrye_stream3.ipl, countrye_stream4.ipl, countrye_stream5.ipl, countrye_stream6.ipl, countrye_stream7.ipl, countrye_stream8.ipl, countrye_stream9.ipl, countryn.ifp, countryn_stream0.ipl, countryn_stream1.ipl, countryn_stream2.ipl, countryn_stream3.ipl, countrys_stream0.ipl, countrys_stream1.ipl, countrys_stream2.ipl, countrys_stream3.ipl, countrys_stream4.ipl, countryw_stream0.ipl, countryw_stream1.ipl, countryw_stream2.ipl, countryw_stream3.ipl, countryw_stream4.ipl, countryw_stream5.ipl, countryw_stream6.ipl, countryw_stream7.ipl, countryw_stream8.ipl, counxref.col, counxref.ide, counxref.ifp, crack.ifp, crack.ipl, crib.ifp, cuntysouth.col, dam_jump.ifp, dancing.ifp, dealer.ifp, dildo.ifp, dodge.ifp, dozer.ifp, drivebys.ifp, fat.ifp, fight_b.ifp, fight_c.ifp, fight_d.ifp, fight_e.ifp, finale.ifp, finale2.ifp, flame.ifp, flowers.ifp, food.ifp, freeweights.ifp, gangs.ifp, gfunk.ifp, ghands.ifp, ghetto_db.ifp, goggles.ifp, graffiti.ifp, graveyard.ifp, grenade.ifp, gymnasium.ifp, haircuts.ifp, heist9.ifp, int_house.ifp, int_office.ifp, int_shop.ifp, jst_buisness.ifp, kart.ifp, kissing.ifp, knife.ifp, lae2_stream0.ipl, lae2_stream1.ipl, lae2_stream2.ipl, lae2_stream3.ipl, lae2_stream4.ipl, lae2_stream5.ipl, lae2_stream6.ipl, lae_stream0.ipl, lae_stream1.ipl, lae_stream2.ipl, lae_stream3.ipl, lae_stream4.ipl, lae_stream5.ipl, lahills_stream0.ipl, lahills_stream1.ipl, lahills_stream2.ipl, lahills_stream3.ipl, lahills_stream4.ipl, lan2_s, lan2_stream0.ipl, lan2_stream1.ipl, lan2_stream2.ipl
Total downloads: 71
Unique downloads: 66
16 November
The location is in the Fisherman's Lagoon area, near Palomino Creek.
Progress: The global mod will be improved as time allows
- The mod took a very long time to make (on version 1.0) and requires even more effort;
- To avoid bugs, objects are placed underground, not deleted;
- Blender folder with source models (for the developer to avoid loss);
- Tested on Windows 10 and 11;
- Tested on game versions 1.0 and 1.01.
Installation on a clean game:
- Back up the original files gta3.img and data;
- Back up the GTA San Andreas User Files folder;
- Files from folders gta3.img 1 and 2 to models/gta3.img;
- The folder data to the game folder GTA San Andreas.
To avoid bugs (due to saving):
- Delete the folder GTA San Andreas User Files;
- Enter the game to automatically create the folder GTA San Andreas User Files;
- Place any save, for example GTASAsf1.b, in the folder GTA San Andreas User Files;
- After removing the mod, restore your save from the backup copy.
Assets used from games:
- DS Coraline;
- Painkiller Hell & Damnation;
- Painkiller Black Edition;
- MadOut BIG City (offline);
- Metro Exodus;
- The Sims 4;
- The Sims 2 Anthology.
The file name and description have been translated. Show original
(RU)Show translation
Локация из Коралины в Стране Кошмаров
Локация находится в районе Лагуны Рыбака, возле деревни Паломино Крик.
Прогресс: Глобальный мод будет улучшаться по мере морального отдыха
- Мод делался очень долго (на версии 1.0) и требует ещё больше вложенных сил;
- Во избежание багов объекты помещены под землю, а не удалены;
- Папка Blender с исходниками моделей (для разработчика во избежание потери);
- Проверено на Windows 10 и 11;
- Проверено на версиях игры 1.0 и 1.01.
Установка на чистую игру:
- Сделать резервную копию оригинальных файлов gta3.img и data;
- Сделать резервную копию папки GTA San Andreas User Files;
- Файлы из папок gta3.img 1 и 2 в models/gta3.img;
- Папку data в папку игры GTA San Andreas.
Во избежание багов (из-за сохранения):
- Удалить папку GTA San Andreas User Files;
- Зайти в игру для автоматического создания папки GTA San Andreas User Files;
- Поместить любое сохранение например GTASAsf1.b в папку GTA San Andreas User Files;
- После удаления мода верните свое сохранение из резервной копии.
Использовались ассеты из игр:
- DS Coraline;
- Painkiller Hell & Damnation;
- Painkiller Black Edition;
- MadOut BIG City (offline);
- Metro Exodus;
- The Sims 4;
- The Sims 2 Anthology.
Permissions and distribution rules
The author answered the following questions upon publication. By downloading the file, you agree to abide by these rules.
Is it allowed to reupload the file to other websites / platforms / services?
Is it allowed to create paid mods using the developments, components, or assets presented in this file?
Under no circumstances
Is it allowed to edit or update the file and upload its updated versions separately?
Only after receiving the author's permission
Is it allowed to convert the file for use in other games?
Under no circumstances
Is it allowed to use the developments, components, or assets presented in this file to create your own files?
Only after receiving the author's permission
Are there any developments from other people in this file for which the author has permissions, but which cannot be distributed without the consent of their authors?
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