Сборник оружия Resident Evil 4 (2005)
CAPCOM, theash9423
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26.56 Mb
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Files with known extensions that were found in the archive.
ak47.dff, ak47.txd, bat.dff, bat.txd, chainsaw.dff, chainsaw.txd, chnsaw.dff, chnsaw.txd, chromegun.dff, chromegun.txd, colt45.dff, colt45.txd, desert_eagle.dff, desert_eagle.txd, flame.dff, flame.txd, grenade.dff, grenade.txd, gun_cane.dff, gun_cane.txd, gun_dildo1.dff, gun_dildo1.txd, gun_dildo2.dff, gun_dildo2.txd, gun_vibe1.dff, gun_vibe1.txd, gun_vibe2.dff, gun_vibe2.txd, heatseek.dff, heatseek.txd, knifecur.dff, knifecur.txd, m4.dff, m4.txd, micro_uzi.dff, micro_uzi.txd, minigun.dff, minigun.txd, molotov.dff, molotov.txd, mp5lng.dff, mp5lng.txd, nitestick.dff, nitestick.txd, rocketla.dff, rocketla.txd, sawnoff.dff, sawnoff.txd, shotgspa.dff, shotgspa.txd, shovel.dff, shovel.txd, silenced.dff, silenced.txd, sniper.dff, sniper.txd, tec9.dff, tec9.txd
Total downloads: 187
Unique downloads: 162
23 September 2024sbornik-oruzhija-resident-evil-4-2005_1727066393_914864.7zPassword for the archive: libertycity
Hello guys. I present to you a collection of weapons from Resident Evil 4 (Biohazard 4). They look really good and are suitable for mods and SAMP servers. They work in both the Original version and the Updated Classic. They are also used in GTA SA mods.
- Pistols — Handgun, Punisher, Blacktale, Matilda, Red9;
- Magnums — Butterfly, Killer-7, Handcannon;
- Shotguns — Shotgun, Riot Shotgun, Striker;
- Machine guns — TMP, Chicago Typewriter;
- Rifles — Rifle, Semu-Auto Rifle;
- P.R.L. 412;
- Mortar;
- Rocket launchers;
- Crossbows;
- Melee;
- Grenades;
- And much more!
- Do not spoil the atmosphere of the game;
- Sit well in the hands;
- High quality;
- Work through Modloader.
Installation: Move any folder to modloader, if you have one.
Have a good game!
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Сборник оружия Resident Evil 4 (2005)
Привет ребята. Представляю вам сборник оружия из Resident Evil 4 (Biohazard 4). Они прям очень хорошо выглядят и подходят для модов и серверов SAMP. Работают как в Оригинальной версии, так и в Updated Classic. А также используются в модах GTA SA.
- Пистолеты — Handgun, Punisher, Blacktale, Matilda, Red9;
- Магнумы — Butterfly, Killer-7, Handcannon;
- Дробовики — Shotgun, Riot Shotgun, Striker;
- Автоматы — TMP, Chicago Typewriter;
- Винтовки — Rifle, Semu-Auto Rifle;
- P.R.L. 412;
- Миномет;
- Ракетницы;
- Арбалеты;
- Рукопашки;
- Гранаты;
- И много всего прочего!
- Не портят атмосферу игры;
- Хорошо сидят на руках;
- Высокое качество;
- Работают через Modloader.
Установка: Переместить любую папку в modloader, если, он у вас есть.
Удачной игры!
Permissions and distribution rules
The author answered the following questions upon publication. By downloading the file, you agree to abide by these rules.
Is it allowed to reupload the file to other websites / platforms / services?
Is it allowed to create paid mods using the developments, components, or assets presented in this file?
Under no circumstances
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Only after receiving the author's permission
Is it allowed to convert the file for use in other games?
Under no circumstances
Is it allowed to use the developments, components, or assets presented in this file to create your own files?
Only after receiving the author's permission
Are there any developments from other people in this file for which the author has permissions, but which cannot be distributed without the consent of their authors?
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