HideFromCops (by vladvo)
7 September 2024prjatatsja-ot-policii-by-vladvo_1725660403_826179.rar
HideFromCops (by vladvo)
Updated 07.09.2024 (white fill bar fix)
Updated 04.09.2024 (changelog below)
How it works:
When CJ has a wanted level and gets away from cop\'s line of sight
the mod goes into Delay1 phase and a fill bar will appear.
Cops will follow CJ, knowing his position. Everything goes the same way as
in vanilla game. At the same time the timer is counting. The timer will be
reset if any cop will have a clear line of sight to CJ.
When the Delay1 timer runs out (fill bar color will change) the mod will switch into Delay2 phase.
Cops will just wander around. Still, if they spot CJ — the timers will be reset
and the mod will go into pre-Delay1 status. Firing any gun (except silenced) will
alert the cops and reset both timers.
Delay1 and Delay2 timers can be configured for each wanted level in ini.
SightDist param in ini. Sight distance.
This setting sets how far the cops can see you. Can be set for each wanted level as well.
LightingAffectsSight setting:
This will reduce cop\'s sight range when CJ is in dark area.
LightingAffectsTime setting:
This will speed up timers when CJ is in dark area.
HowHidingEnds setting:
If CJ was successful in hiding from cops — it is
possible to change how it will end.
Drop wanted level immediately or Go on parole (the flashing stars).
BarPosX and BarPosY are used to point the coords where fill bar will appear.
Thanks to @Birds for the idea and @Artem. for support and fill bar.
- helicopters and boats will ignore player when he's in second phase of hiding (Delay2)
- if you want to hide from heli or boat underwater — you'll have to dive, but with certain condiotions:
daytime (6 to 21) you have to reach depth >8.0
nighttime (21 to 6) reaching depth >4.0 is enough - player radar blip can change color when the player is in dark area or underwater (at required depth) — can be disabled in .ini
- News Helicopter will inform police if it sees the player. So, if you're hiding and a news heli spots you — it will be the same as if the cop sees you, resetting hiding timer.
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