Marat from Patsan's Word
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590.11 Kb
Total downloads: 184
Unique downloads: 167
17 June
Марат из сериала Слово Пацана
- High quality model;
- High-quality textures;
- Movable skeleton;
- Can replace any character;
- Can be played through Skin Selector.
Enjoy the game.
Recommended files
17 June 2024
GTA San Andreas

Vova Adidas from Patsan's Word v1
Вова из сериала Слово Пацана Features: Good model; Not bad textures; Movable skeleton; Can be played through Skin Selector. Enjoy the game.

334 kB
17 June 2024
GTA San Andreas

The coat from The Word of a Kid
Пальто из сериала Слово Пацана Features: Quality model; Nice textures; You can replace any character. Enjoy the game.

476 kB
20 June 2024
GTA San Andreas

Vova Adidas from Word of a Kid
Вова Адидас из сериала Слово Пацана Features: Quality model; Excellent textures; Movable skeleton; You can replace any character. Enjoy the game.
11 December 2011
GTA San Andreas

Interior Ministry officer from COD MW 2
Cop from the scandalous mission COD MW 2 "Not a word in Russian".
6 January 2012
GTA San Andreas

Not From Paradise reloaded double 2
Before you, Not From Paradise reloaded double 2 - a new graphical shell for everyone's favorite GTA San Andreas. (From the history of the mod "Only to those who are interested." The first version of the mod appeared in August last year. The modifica...
22 August 2012
GTA San Andreas

Not Far From Paradise v3.0 (beta1)
This is only a graphical modification of ENBSeries and CLEO scripts (about them below in the description) for the upcoming Not Far From Paradise v3.0 (beta 1)! If anyone doesn’t know what kind of modification this is, then with peace of mind and bo...
27 September 2012
GTA San Andreas

Ambulance "04" from Modern Warfare 2
Ambulance from Modern Warfare 2(From the mission "Not a Word in Russian") Features: * Working doors. *You can enter the salon.
4 March 2014
GTA San Andreas

Great Spark (Allspark) from the game Transformers The Game
Hello everyone, I want to introduce you to the Great Spark from the game Transformers The Game, which was made based on the 2007 movie of the same name. The Allspark, also known as the Energy Cube or the Great Spark (Eng. AllSpark) is an ancient powe...
13 October 2016
GTA San Andreas

Tramp in different overalls from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
The tramp - character S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky and S.T.L.K.E.R .: Call of Pripyat. The tramp came to the Zone around the time of the first exits Arrow In the center of the Zone. At first, like many Stalkers , He gradually adjusted to l...
14 November 2016
GTA San Andreas

Burer from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Burer (apparently, from the English bury - “to bury”) is a mutant cut out of PM and CHN, restored in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Call of Pripyat. Byurer is the result of genetic experiments conducted by special services on criminals under the program for the de...
11 November 2017
GTA San Andreas

Air traffic from GTA V (Air traffic from GTA V)
! is out! new version. Now you can see how planes fly over the state of San Andreas, far and high in the sky, just like in GTA V. Nevada and Shamal are flying. And they fly quite often. The game is old, so the planes, having disappeared from a r...
16 January 2018
GTA San Andreas

Time Slowdown from Watch_Dogs (Focus / Concentration)
! is out! , so to speak, the new version. I know there are many such mods on the Internet, but everyone always lacked something. Without thinking twice, I decided to make my own version, which is essentially a feature from the Watch_Dogs computer g...
8 March 2018
GTA San Andreas

Tow missions / work as a mechanic from GTA V (updated)
Attention, the file has been re-uploaded! Anyone who downloaded it BEFORE 08/24/18, I recommend downloading it again! Don't jump to conclusions until you've read to the end. The script adds towing missions from GTA V. I tried to make it as similar a...
16 March 2018
GTA San Andreas

Pizza delivery mission from GTA VC / Noodle Punk from GTA LCS (fixed)
I present to your attention my next job - the mission of a pizza delivery boy. There is such a mission in GTA VC and GTA LCS, in GTA SA it was replaced with courier missions, but the pizza delivery mission, as for me, is more contrasting than the “gr...
5 December 2019
GTA San Andreas

SAMP 0.3DL with 0.3.7 support from Absolute RP
Greetings, almost a year ago I uploaded the improved client SA-MP 0.3.7, and in it I said that the site removed the old version and replaced it with SA-MP 0.3DL, but after it turned out that in one of the old versions of the improved client 0.3DL has...
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