Exploding tires when skidding (SkidBlow)
Thanks to https://libertycity.ru/user/_relaxxx_/ for ideas.
As the title says — this mod will cause tires to explode when skidding (only player vehicles)
Each tire is analyzed independently. For example — if the first tire is in the air and the second one is on the surface — only the second one will explode
Surfaces are also taken into account. Three types are used. Hard surfaces — rocks, asphalt etc. Grass. Sand. Tire explosion delay is set in .ini. You can set explosion delay for each surface.
In .ini:
SkidTime — hard surface explosion delay
SkidTimeGrass — grass delay
SkidTimeSand — sand delay
It is also possible to disable exploding tires on certain vehicles.
To do this set Active=1 in .ini and add car models to Exclude or Exclude2 lists (25 cars per list MAX !!!).
fast and easy
v1.1vzryvajushhiesja-koljosa-pri_1718228990_576788.rarPassword: libertycity