Zombies in the Fisherman's Lagoon neighborhood
Black White & Blue
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18.91 Mb
Files inside:
Files with known extensions that were found in the archive.
break_s_box.txd, breifcase.txd, briefcase.dff, cj_cableroll.dff, cj_drum.dff, cj_street_props.txd, cj_wheelchair1.dff, countrye.ipl, crates_n_stuffext.txd, dead_tied_cop.dff, deadcopx.txd, externalext.txd, gta3.img, mod.cs, sw_jetty.txd, sw_shack2.txd, zombie.dff, zombie.txd
Total downloads: 158
Unique downloads: 128
12 February 2024zombi-v-rajjone-laguna-rybaka_1707686592_442115.rar
Zombie in Fisher\'s Lagoon
A simple script with a horror theme. It will add zombies to the Fisherman\'s Lagoon neighborhood. When you drive up to the place, music will play. In the cabin you will see a dead man and various objects. You will also see a lot of blood in the lagoon.
Enjoy the game.
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