Young banana
Models Studio - MTA:SA
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3.29 Mb
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13 November 2023molodojj-banan_1699892225_59288.rar
Transport adapted to:
- Optics (vehiclelights128);
- The interior is painted in 2 colors (sec);
- Toner(lob_steklo);
- Active steering wheel (steeringwheel_ok).
The file name and description have been translated. Show original
(RU)Show translation
Молодой банан
Транспорт адаптирован под:
- Оптика (vehiclelights128);
- Салон красится 2 цветом (sec);
- Тонер (lob_steklo);
- Активный руль (steeringwheel_ok).
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