Avionics SAMP [LUA script] - Aviation script for sa:mp

7 December 20230.1.4-beta.0712avionics-aviacionnyjj-skript_1701902167_494710.zip
15 February 20240.1.5-beta.3101avionics-aviacionnyjj-skript_1708026074_698440.zip
24 January 20250.1.7-beta.2001avionics-aviacionnyjj-skript_1737717828_901420.zip
Script that displays flight information you may need in plane or helicopter. Allows 4 different modes: Navigation/Visual range airfight(dogfight)/Air-to-ground/Long range airfight/Approach, land. Hotkeys and systems can be switched/changed in main menu.
1 — change mode (prev)
3 — change mode (next)
4 — open script menu (currently only avaliable on Russian language)
[ — change waypoint (prev)
] — change waypoint (next)
Backspace — drop target lock
/swavionics /avionix /swav — open main menu window
/setwpt — set current waypoint number
/swcam — switch camera/plane view
/swmag — (For helis) use magnet
/addwpt [X] [Y] [Z] — Add waypoint by its coordinates
/clearwpt — Clear all waypoint list
/autopilot /swapt — Start autopilot (to current waypoint)
/swapto — Turnoff autopilot (you can take controls any time without command, just press any plane control key)
/wptcam /tarcam — (in-cam) show current waypoint (fixed-view)
/tarwpt — (in-cam, only in fixed-mode) add waypoint from current camera look-at position
/vehwpt — add waypoint from current plane/heli position
/swamode /swam [Mode number] — set avionics working mode (0 — Navigation, 1 — VRF 2 — GRD 3 — LRF)
/swazoom /swaz [Latency] — Set camera zoom speed (lower values means faster), but be careful, values less than 100 can cause loading
Other commands you can find in main menu, see "List of text commands of the script"
For English-speaking users I also recommend to switch speech informant from РИТА to BETTY in main menu (Bottom-right menu button: "Речевой информатор: РИТА/BETTY")
You can also find more info on official English wiki of this script
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