Looker Cam
This is LookerCam, a simple script that makes the camera stay at one point and look at your car. Very useful for creating drift montages and even some machinima.
The author originally just made it for his own use in his videos, but a lot of people started wondering what camera he used in the video, so he decided to improve it and post it.
This script can save up to 10 camera positions for each mode and you can edit them in game or manually in camsM1 and camsM2.ini files.
NOTE: You can change some of these commands in LCamConfig.ini
T1 = camera moves with the car you are using (CamMode1)
T2 = camera locks in place and looks at the vehicle you are using (CamMode2)
T3 = return the camera to the player (deactivate).
RES = set camera angle and position for player, practically reset (No change)
TYP = change CamMode2 to "look at car" or "look at player" (TypeChange)
STIC = Switch camera speed from smooth to static (No change)
G → = Loads the next camera slot (No change)
G ← = Loads the previous camera slot (No change)
G →, ← + B = Loads the camera and does not show any text on the screen.
NOTE: To change the following commands in LCamConfig.ini, you must use the appropriate key combinations:
1, 3 = move in X;
4, 6 - movement along Y;
7, 9 - rotation;
+, — — movement along Z
8 , 9 + ↕ = camera speed up/slow down
8 , 9 + ← = Reset acceleration/deceleration to default
8 , 9 + → = Fix deceleration to acceleration value
fast and easy
looker-cam_1684749143_659904.7zDownloadPassword: libertycity