Roads with cracks and patches
In GTA 3, GTA 4 and GTA 5 there is an adequate implementation of everything that is on the roads in real prototypes of the cities used, namely cracks, patches / potholes on the roads, broken lines on 4-lane roads, etc. But this is not in SA, and if some modders tried to implement such functionality through a regular retexture, it turned out with big crutches and texture breaks, which cannot be said about this project (although it could not have done without some crutches).
You are provided with 256x256 textures and models for the roads of Los Santos, San Fierro and counties (without LV and Bone), but if you are interested, the project will continue to other locations, although there is not much time for this.
The textures are made under SAUR, because of which there may be inconsistencies with the standard GTA, in the new version it is possible to add more roads with regular textures to the archive.
fast and easy
1.0dorogi-s-preryvistymi-linijami-i_1683399232_48403.zipPassword: libertycity