ENB 0.74f (My setting)
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21 July 2023enb-0-74f-moja-nastrojjka_1689894407_596538.rar
ENB 0.74f was taken as a basis and tuned with high quality. Will go on average computers.
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ENB 0.74f (Моя настройка)
За основу был взят ENB 0.74f и качественно настроен. Пойдет на средних компах.
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3 February 2011
GTA San Andreas

ENB 0.75c (My setup)
In ENB 0.75c, the settings from my ENB 0.74g v2 were used and improved, that is, just with ENB 0.74g v2, the settings moved to ENB 0.75c improved a little.
11 September 2013
GTA San Andreas

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GTA San Andreas

ENB 0.74g (My setup)
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GTA San Andreas

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13 January 2011
GTA San Andreas

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11 September 2013
GTA San Andreas

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GTA San Andreas

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GTA San Andreas

GTA SA Medium ENB Settings
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GTA San Andreas

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GTA San Andreas

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GTA San Andreas

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Comments 36