Darkness andreas
Mod 2008, so do not expect anything beyond the unexpected. Read the description of the missions, since the author did not add markers everywhere. The mod is foreign, but I translated it into Russian.
This mod adds several missions that you have to complete, this is not the full version. Don't forget to add textures with IMGTool or use modloader.
Darkness Invasion:
Mission start: Near Ryder's House
Description of the mission: Sweet calls you, warns about some strange guys in masks who are killing family members, and tells you to go kill them. You must kill all 5 masked guys and protect the family members they are fighting with.
Mission Completed: Mission completed if all the masked guys are dead. You get $ 10,000 and respect. You also get access to the next Darkness Andreas mission.
Mission Failed: You will fail if your homies die, you crash or get shot.
Difficulty: Easy.
Darkness Clone Jutsu!
Mission start: At Caesar's house.
Description of the mission: Caesar calls you, informing that the guys in masks are robbing a garage in San Fierro! He says that Kendl is in the garage, but he won't be able to hold them back for a long time. You are too far from San Fierro, so head to the airport and board the hydra that is there. When you go to the garage, you see 3 masked guys attacking Cesar, but these guys are different from the ones you defeated before. Two guys in fake masks, and if you kill one of them, then the true one uses the Dark Clone Jutsu, and another guy will appear (the secret of how to defeat them, I won't tell you tounge2.gif). When you finnaly defeated all of them there will appear another 7 in Doherty, you need to kill them all and the mission is completed.
Mission Completed: Quest complete if all the masked guys are dead. You get respect and $ 50,000!
Mission Failed: If Caesar dies, you are either killed.
Enemies: Disciples of Darkness and 1 General of Darkness.
fast and easy
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