Lifeguard karin rebel

This is the rescue version of TheMadeMan's Karin Rebel. The truck is equipped with a small amount of equipment for rescuers, two stands with a surfboard and flashing lights, a raised suspension and off-road wheels.
-TheMadeMan- Karin Rebel
-TheF3nt0n- Editing the model
-AlexanderLB- Textures
-Savidge- Wheels
-XG417- Handling settings and screenshots
This is the lifeguard version of TheMadeMan's Karin Rebel. The truck is equipped with a few lifeguard-related equipment on its bed, two racks with a surfboard and a lightbar, raised suspensions, and off-road wheels.
-TheMadeMan- Karin Rebel
-TheF3nt0n- Model edits
-AlexanderLB- Textures
-Savidge- Wheels
-XG417- Handling and screenshots
Это спасательная версия Karin Rebel от TheMadeMan. Грузовик оснащён небольшим количеством оборудования для спасателей, двумя стойками с доской для сёрфинга и мигалкой, приподнятой подвеской и внедорожными колесами.
- TheMadeMan - Karin Rebel
- TheF3nt0n - Редактирование модели
- AlexanderLB - Текстуры
- Savidge - Колёса
- XG417 - Настройки Handling и скриншоты
This is the lifeguard version of TheMadeMan\'s Karin Rebel. The truck is equipped with a few lifeguard-related equipment on its bed, two racks with a surfboard and a lightbar, raised suspensions, and off-road wheels.
- TheMadeMan - Karin Rebel
- TheF3nt0n - Model edits
- AlexanderLB - Textures
- Savidge - Wheels
- XG417 - Handling and screenshots
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