Burger Shot Bunmobile [SA]

Burgermobile from Burger Shot!
Author: XG417
Version: v1.0
>> Features:
- SA style burgermobile based onPatty Wagonfrom the animated feature Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie (2004)
- Complete modelmade from scratch!
- 50% off your next purchase at Burger Shot! (Applicable at any Burger Shot outlet within one month of purchasing the vehicle)
- Custom settings Handling
- Its own shadow and collision
- Fuel-injected deep fat fryer with double grease traps under the hood! (Not really)
- SA license plates
- Ideal for a stolen crown recovery operation!
- Animated engine! (Requires Fastman92 Limit Adjuster!)
- You can install your car as a new one, or replace the existing one (Added and Replacer)
- Adapted toAutoIDfrom HzanRsxa2959!
- No driver's license required!
>> Requirements:
- GTA San Andreas (logical, isn't it?)
- Modloader (for easy installation)
- Fastman92 Limit Adjuster (so that you can add the car as new)
- AutoID (optional, for AutoID version)
> R * - For a wonderful gift to the whole world, for GTA San Andreas
> Stephen Hillenburg - For an idea and a happy childhood. Rest in peace, brother.
> XG417 - Yours truly, edited the model
> 2cv - For help setting handling
> People from C&S Discord Server - For support and feedback
== SA-Style Burger Shot Bunmobile ==
=== Author: XG417 ===
Version: v1.0
>> Features:
- SA-Styled Burger Buggy based on thePatty Wagonfrom Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie (2004)
- Model completelyMade from Scratch!
- 50% Discount on your next Burger Shot Purchase! (Applicable at any Burger Shot Branch for one month after purchase of Buggy)
- Custom Handling
- Custom Shadow and Collision
- A fuel-injected french fryer with dual-overhead grease traps under the hood! (Well, not really)
- SA License Plates
- Perfect for taking back stolen crowns the next town over!
- Animated Engine! (Fastman92 Limit Adjuster model special features needed!)
- Replacer and Added Versions Available
- Adapted to HzanRsxa2959'sAutoID!
- No license needed!
>> Requirements:
- GTA San Andreas (Obviously)
- Modloader (Required)
- Fastman92 Limit Adjuster (for Added ver.)
- AutoID (Optional, For AutoID Ver.)
> R * - For the gift of the gods that is GTA San Andreas
> Stephen Hillenburg - For the idea, and for making my childhood such a blast. Rest in Peace, brother.
> XG417 - Yours Truly, creator of this mod.
> 2cv - Handling fixes and improvements.
> The People at the C&S Discord Server - For supporting me and giving feedback
Бургермобиль от сети забегаловок Burger Shot!
Автор: XG417
Версия: v1.0
- Бургермобиль в стиле SA, основанный на Patty Wagon из полнометражного мультфильма Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie (2004)
- Модель полностью сделана с нуля!
- 50% скидка на вашу следующую покупку в Burger Shot! (Применимо в любом отделении Burger Shot в течение одного месяца после покупки транспорта)
- Свои настройки Handling
- Своя тень и коллизия
- Фритюр с впрыском топлива и двойными жироуловителями под капотом! (На самом деле нет)
- SA номерные знаки
- Идеально подходит для операции по возврату украденных корон!
- Анимированный движок! (Требуется Fastman92 Limit Adjuster!)
- Можно установить себе машину как новую, или заменить существующую (Added и Replacer)
- Адаптирован к AutoIDот HzanRsxa2959!
- Водительские права не нужны!
- GTA San Andreas (логично, не так ли?)
- Modloader (для удобной установки)
- Fastman92 Limit Adjuster (для того, чтобы можно было добавить машину как новую)
- AutoID (по желанию, для AutoID версии)
Благодарности и авторы:
> R* - За замечательный подарок всему миру, за GTA San Andreas
> Stephen Hillenburg - За идею и счастливое детство. Покойся с миром, брат.
> XG417 - Ваш покорный слуга, редактировал модель
> 2cv - За помощь с настройкой handling
> Людям с Дискорд-сервера C&S - За поддержку и отзывы
==SA-Style Burger Shot Bunmobile==
=== Author: XG417 ===
Version: v1.0
- SA-Styled Burger Buggy based on the Patty Wagon from Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie (2004)
- Model completely Made from Scratch!
- 50% Discount on your next Burger Shot Purchase! (Applicable at any Burger Shot Branch for one month after purchase of Buggy)
- Custom Handling
- Custom Shadow and Collision
- A fuel-injected french fryer with dual-overhead grease traps under the hood! (Well, not really)
- SA License Plates
- Perfect for taking back stolen crowns the next town over!
- Animated Engine! (Fastman92 Limit Adjuster model special features needed!)
- Replacer and Added Versions Available
- Adapted to HzanRsxa2959\'s AutoID!
- No license needed!
- GTA San Andreas (Obviously)
- Modloader (Required)
- Fastman92 Limit Adjuster (for Added ver.)
- AutoID (Optional, For AutoID Ver.)
> R* - For the gift of the gods that is GTA San Andreas
> Stephen Hillenburg - For the idea, and for making my childhood such a blast. Rest in Peace, brother.
> XG417 - Yours Truly, creator of this mod.
> 2cv - Handling fixes and improvements.
> The People at the C&S Discord Server - For supporting me and giving feedback
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