Schyster Centenal [SA]

Schyster Centenal in SA style.
Author: XG417
Version: v1.01
- SA style luxury sedan based onSentinal- a beta car from GTA 3 and various sedans from the 90s
- The model is completelymade from scratch!
- Fits perfectly into the atmosphere of Liberty City, so it is recommended to install Chryster on top of mods that add this city to the map (GTA Underground, SAxVCxLC and GTA United)!
- Custom settings
- Custom shadow and collision
- SA license plates
- Partial support for VehFuncs
- You can install your machine as a new one, or replace the existing one (Added and Replacer)
- There is an IVF version of
- GTA San Andreas (logical, isn't it?)
- Modloader (for easy installation)
- Fastman92 Limit Adjuster (so that you can add a car as a new one)
>>List of changes:
- v1.01 - Fixed bug with gas tank in IVF version.
- 1.0 - First release of
Credits and authors:
> R* - For a wonderful gift to the whole world, for GTA San Andreas
> XG417 - Your obedient servant, the creator of the mod
> savidge, 2cv, Calvin.linardi - Thanks for testing and feedback
==SA-Style Schyster Centenal==
=== Author: XG417 ===
Version: v1.01
- SA-Styled Luxury Sedan based on the GTA 3 Beta carSentinaland various other 90's Sedans
- Model completelyMade from Scratch!
- Perfect for mods that add Liberty City in the game like GTA Underground, SAxVCxLC and GTA United!
- Custom Vehicle Lines
- Custom Shadow and Collision
- SA License Plates
- Partial VehFuncs Compatibility
- Replacer and Added version available
- IVF version available
-GTA San Andreas (Obviously)
-Modloader (Required)
-Fastman92 Limit Adjuster (for Added ver.)
-v1.01 - Fixed bugged Fuel Cap Texture in IVF version.
-1.0 - Release
> R* - For the gift of the gods that is GTA San Andreas
> XG417 - Yours Truly, creator of this mod
> savidge, 2cv, Calvin.linardi - For Testing and Feedback
> The People at the C&S Discord Server - For supporting me and giving feedback
Schyster Centenal в стиле SA.
Автор: XG417
Версия: v1.01
- Роскошный седан в стиле SA, основанный на Sentinal - бета-машине из GTA 3 и различных седанах из 90-х
- Модель полностью сделана с нуля!
- Отлично вписывается в атмосферу Либерти Сити, поэтому рекомендуется устанавливать Крайстер поверх модов, которые добавляют этот город на карту (GTA Underground, SAxVCxLC и GTA United)!
- Свои настройки
- Своя тень и коллизия
- SA номерные знаки
- Частичная поддержка VehFuncs
- Можно установить себе машину как новую, или заменить существующую (Added и Replacer)
- Имеется IVF версия
- GTA San Andreas (логично, не так ли?)
- Modloader (для удобной установки)
- Fastman92 Limit Adjuster (для того, чтобы можно было добавить машину как новую)
>>Список изменений:
- v1.01 - Исправлен баг с бензобаком в IVF версии.
- 1.0 - Первый релиз
Благодарности и авторы:
> R* - За замечательный подарок всему миру, за GTA San Andreas
> XG417 - Ваш покорный слуга, создатель мода
> savidge, 2cv, Calvin.linardi - За тестирование и отзывы
> Людям с Дискорд-сервера C&S - За поддержку и отзывы
==SA-Style Schyster Centenal==
=== Author: XG417 ===
Version: v1.01
- SA-Styled Luxury Sedan based on the GTA 3 Beta car Sentinal and various other 90's Sedans
- Model completely Made from Scratch!
- Perfect for mods that add Liberty City in the game like GTA Underground, SAxVCxLC and GTA United!
- Custom Vehicle Lines
- Custom Shadow and Collision
- SA License Plates
- Partial VehFuncs Compatibility
- Replacer and Added version available
- IVF version available
-GTA San Andreas (Obviously)
-Modloader (Required)
-Fastman92 Limit Adjuster (for Added ver.)
-v1.01 - Fixed bugged Fuel Cap Texture in IVF version.
-1.0 - Release
> R* - For the gift of the gods that is GTA San Andreas
> XG417 - Yours Truly, creator of this mod
> savidge, 2cv, Calvin.linardi - For Testing and Feedback
> The People at the C&S Discord Server - For supporting me and giving feedback
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