BF Desert Ravanger Buggy (PUBG Buggy SA Style)
BF Desert Ravanger by Calvin.linardi.
The famous Buggy from the acclaimed battle royale, converted into SA and well-fitted into its gaming realities. Among other things, adapted to the VehFuncs plugin.
- Style SA / Lowpoly
- Replaces Bandito and takes over all his chips
- Adapted to VehFuncs (steering wheel spins, muffler dangles and motor spins)
- Adapted to the Gang Rider mod so you can put your brother in the back seat like in PUBG
- Minimal tuning in Transfender
- SA-MP version comes with standard size wheels. It is not recommended to use it in single player.
Thanks a lot:
- XG417 and 2ceevee for handling and testing
- Rockstar Games for game assets
- Bluehole, Tencent Games and PUBG Corp for the original model of this Buggy
Model and textures are not locked!
But please ask my permission before doing anything, and be sure to include me in the list of authors.
Report bugs to me!
If you want to see more mods visitmy workshop on GTA Forums!
--BF Desert Ravanger--
By: Calvin.linardi
The famous vehicle from Battle Royale game are coming to los santos, the vehicle are edited to fit the game lore and also adapted to vehfuncs.
- SA Style/Lowpoly
- Supported bandito functions
- Adapted to VehFuncs (moving steer, shaking exhaust, roatating gearbox)
- Adapted to Gang Rider mod, so you can take your hommie on the back like on PUBG
- Minimum tuning options on transfender
- SA-MP version avilable with standard wheels size (Not recommended if you play singleplayer!)
- Me (Calvin.linardi) of course
- XG417 and 2ceevee for handling and testing
- Rockstar Games for some assets
- Bluehole, Tencent Games and PUBG Corp for the original Buggy models
Source are unlocked, but please contact me if you want to do anything with this mod or at least credited me!
and tell me if you see any bug.
Download Gang Rider Modhere!
Visitmy workshop for more mods!
BF Desert Ravanger от Calvin.linardi.
Знаменитый Багги из нашумевшего баттл-рояля, сконвертированный в SA и грамотно вписанный в её игровые реалии. Кроме всего прочего, адаптирован к плагину VehFuncs.
- Стиль SA / Lowpoly
- Заменяет Bandito и перенимает все его фишки
- Адаптирован к VehFuncs (крутится руль, болтается глушитель и вертится мотор)
- Адаптирован к моду Gang Rider, так что вы сможете посадить вашего братка на заднее сиденье, как в PUBGе
- Минимальный тюнинг в Трансфендере
- SA-MP версия идёт с колёсами стандартного размера. Не рекомендуется использовать её в одиночной игре.
Большое спасибо:
- XG417 и 2ceevee за настройки handling и тестирование
- Rockstar Games за игровые ассеты
- Bluehole, Tencent Games и PUBG Corp за оригинальную модель этого Багги
Модель и текстуры не заблокированы!
Но пожалуйста, спросите у меня разрешение, перед тем как что либо сделать, и обязательно укажите меня в списке авторов.
Сообщайте мне о найденных багах!
Отсюда вы можете скачать Gang Rider mod.
Если вы хотите увидеть больше модов, посетите мою мастерскую на GTA Forums!
--BF Desert Ravanger--
By: Calvin.linardi
The famous vehicle from Battle Royale game are coming to los santos, the vehicle are edited to fit the game lore and also adapted to vehfuncs.
- SA Style/Lowpoly
- Supported bandito functions
- Adapted to VehFuncs (moving steer, shaking exhaust, roatating gearbox)
- Adapted to Gang Rider mod, so you can take your hommie on the back like on PUBG
- Minimum tuning options on transfender
- SA-MP version avilable with standart wheels size (Not recomended if you play singleplayer!)
- Me (Calvin.linardi) of course
- XG417 and 2ceevee for handling and testing
- Rockstar Games for some assets
- Bluehole, Tencent Games and PUBG Corp for the original Buggy models
Source are unlocked, but please contact me if you want to do anything with this mod or at least credited me!
and tell me if you see any bug.
Download Gang Rider mod here!
Visit my workshop for more mods!
Support the author
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