GTA 5 Tampa (Lowpoly)
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486.92 Kb
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Total downloads: 59
Unique downloads: 25
9 March
GTA 5 Tampa SA (800kb Lowpoly)
- Низкополигональная модель;
- Работает на слабых ПК;
- Хорошее отражение;
- SA номер;
- Небольшой вес;
- Хорошее отражение.
Recommended files
23 June 2018
GTA San Andreas

GTA 4 Sentinel Lowpoly
GTA 4 Sentinel Lowpoly for GTA San Andreas Features: - Low poly model. - There are damages. - Customized collision. - SA numbers. - The model is light weight. - Supports the main functions of the game. Have a good game!

225 kB
28 May 2010
GTA San Andreas

GTA San Andreas Weapon Editor by Sadler v. 0.14b
Title: GTA San Andreas Weapon Editor by Sadler v. 0.14b Description: This program is used to change weapons in the game. Warning: ! If you change weapons incorrectly, the game may be damaged. It is highly recommended to keep the original weapon f...
24 May 2024
GTA San Andreas

Dacia Solenza Taxi
Dacia Solenza Taxi Features: Model converted from GTA Vice City; Lowpoly interior; Works on weak PCs; Lowopoli models. Enjoy the game.

1005 kB
28 October 2018
GTA San Andreas

Declasse Tampa from GTA V - SA Style
Declasse Tampa from GTA V - SA Style for GTA San Andreas. Declasse Tampa from GTA 5 in SA style Features: -SA style. -3D engine. -Your own shadow. -2 color paint scheme. - USA numbers. -Chrome on bumpers. Have a good game!
6 October 2019
GTA San Andreas

Tampa with weapons from GTA 5
GTAV Weaponized Tampa SA Style for GTA SA! Features: - Beautiful body; - Detailed salon; - Supports all the main functions of the game; - Fixed some bugs; - The car goes well with the atmosphere of the game

1 MB
28 October 2019
GTA San Andreas

GTA 4 Declasse Tampa
GTA IV Declasse Tampa for GTA San Andreas. Features: * Quality envelope; * Optimized model and textures and in HD; * Works 100% in SA-MP; * Custom collision. Have a good game!

3 MB
10 January 2018
GTA San Andreas

GTA V Declasse Tampa
Features: - Reflections and numbers in the style of GTA 5. - Changing number. - Damage. - Easy LOD. - Your own shadow. - Own collision. - 4 extras - IVF Version. - ASI version. - Phone version. - Not tested with SA-MP/MTA. - Checked with ENB. - Check...

4 MB
13 January 2018
GTA San Andreas

GTA V Declasse Tampa Weaponized & Worn
Features: - Reflections and numbers in the style of GTA 5. - Changing number. - Damage. - Easy LOD. - Your own shadow. - Own collision. - 3 extras. - 20 colors. - CLEO weapon firing script. - IVF Version. - ASI version. - Phone version. - Not tested ...

36 MB
25 June 2018
GTA San Andreas

Lowpoly GTA IV Enforcer
Lowpoly GTA IV Enforcer for GTA San Andreas Stockade from GTA 4 in SA style Painted in 2 colors. Has 2 TXD options. Have a good game!

571 kB
25 June 2018
GTA San Andreas

Lowpoly GTA IV Stretch
Lowpoly GTA IV Stretch for GTA San Andreas. Stretch from GTA 4 in SA style The model is light weight. Has 2 TXD options. Have a good game!

393 kB
27 January 2019
GTA San Andreas

GTA 5 Declasse Tampa Evo
GTA V Declasse Tampa Evo for GTA San Andreas. Features: - Reflections and numbers in the style of GTA 5. - Damage. - Your shadow. - Own collision. - IVF Version. - Phone version. - Open files for editing. Have a good game!
31 May 2021
GTA San Andreas

Hi all. I present to you Carcer City Tampa. I took this Tampy from GTA UNDERGROUND and inserted it into a regular game. Features: - Does not spoil the atmosphere of the game. - Good quality textures. - SA Style. - There is a model for Android. - An...

580 kB
13 December 2016
GTA San Andreas

GTA SA Declasse Tampa Drift V
- Replaces Tampa. - Reflections and numbers in SA style. - The model does not have extras. - Your settings. - IVF211+ASI12 version. - SA-Mobile version.
14 December 2016
GTA San Andreas

GTA EFLC Vehicle Pack
----------- GTA EFLC Vehicles Pack ----------- ---------------------------------------------- There are 3 versions of models in the archive: 1 - SA Standard 2 - SA + IVF211 3 - SA Mobile TBoGT: - Albany Police Stinger [Replaces Police VG] - Declass...
27 November 2017
GTA San Andreas

Tampa SE
Tampa SE for GTA San Andreas. The Tampa is a good car, but no one likes its shabby styling. Well, I made a normal car out of it. - Removed the second paint color. - Fixed bumpers and license plates. - New grid. - New interior (Full retexture, Dukes...
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