GTA VCS Splitz-6 ATV

Splitz-6 ATV by Calvin.linardi.
This is a converted from Vice City Stories Splitz-6 all-terrain vehicle in SA style. The archive has a script for it to float on water (like an amphibian).
- SA style model
- CLEO on the amphibious vehicle
- Own settings Handling
- Custom collision, LOD and shadow
Special thanks to:
- Son of Big bos for exporting the model from VCS
- XG417 for handling
- Murinor for CLEO script for amphibious vehicle
- Rockstar Games for game assets
- and to all the people from the Discord server who helped me
Model and texture are not locked!
You can edit the files however you want, but don't forget to credit me as the original author!
And let me know if you find any bugs.
Visit my workshop on GTA Forumsif you want to see more of my mods!
--Splitz-6 ATV--
By: Calvin.linardi
Converted VCS Splitz-6 ATV with SA Style, the amphibious script are included on the archive
- SA Style
- Amphibious CLEO
- Custom Handling
- Custom COL, LOD and shadow mesh
Special thanks to:
- Son of Big bos for exported the models from VCS
- XG417 for handling settings
- Murinor for amphibious CLEO script
- Rockstar games for some assets
- and everyone on discord server for helping me
Open source files are unlocked!
Use it whatever you want as long as you credited Me.
And tell me if you see any bug.
Visit GTA Forumsfor more!
Splitz-6 ATV от Calvin.linardi.
Это сконвертированный из Vice City Stories вездеход Splitz-6 в стиле SA. В архиве есть скрипт для того, чтобы он плыл по воде (как амфибия).
- Модель в стиле SA
- CLEO на машину-амфибию
- Свои настройки Handling
- Своя коллизия, LOD и тень
Особые благодарности:
- Son of Big bos за экспорт модели из VCS
- XG417 за настройку handling
- Murinor за CLEO скрипт на машину-амфибию
- Rockstar Games за игровые ассеты
- и всем людям с Дискорд сервера, которые мне помогли
Модель и текстура не заблокированы!
Вы можете редактировать файлы как захотите, но не забывайте указывать меня как автора оригинала!
И сообщайте мне о найденных багах.
Посетите мою мастерскую на GTA Forums, если хотите увидеть больше моих модов!
--Splitz-6 ATV--
By: Calvin.linardi
Converted VCS Splitz-6 ATV with SA Style, the amphibious script are included on the archive
- SA Style
- Amphibious CLEO
- Custom Handling
- Custom COL, LOD and shadow mesh
Special thanks to:
- Son of Big bos for exported the models from VCS
- XG417 for handling settings
- Murinor for amphibious CLEO script
- Rockstar games for some assets
- and everyone on discord server for helping me
Open source files are Unlocked!
Use it whatever you want as long you credited Me.
And tell me if you see any bug.
Visit GTA Forums for more!
Support the author
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