Stanley FieldMaster Tractor

Tractor Stanley FieldMaster by Calvin.linardi
This is a converted stock tractor with working doors and a bunch of other improvements!
- Low Poly / Style SA
- Can be dyed in 2 or 3 colors.
- Adapted to VehFuncs
- There is a trailer for it in the archive
- Own COL, LOD and shadow
Feel free to distribute this mod wherever you want and edit its files however you want, but don't forget to credit me as the original author!
And let me know if you find any bugs.
Have a good game!
--Stanley FieldMaster--
By: Calvin.linardi
Standard tractor edit with working dors and a lot of improvement!
- Lowpoly / SA Style
- 2 tone and 3 tone color variant
- Adapted to VehFuncs
- Trailer are included on the archive
- Custom COL, LOD and Shadow
Share this mod anywhere you want, edit the files as you like,
as long as you credited me.
and tell me if you see any bug.
Have Fun!
Трактор Stanley FieldMaster от Calvin.linardi
Это переделанный стандартный трактор с рабочими дверями и кучей других улучшений!
- Low Poly / Стиль SA
- Может краситься как в 2 цвета, так и в 3.
- Адаптирован к VehFuncs
- В архиве есть прицеп для него
- Свои COL, LOD и тень
Можете распространять этот мод где захотите и редактировать его файлы как захотите, но не забывайте указывать меня как автора оригинала!
И сообщайте мне о найденных багах.
Приятной игры!
--Stanley FieldMaster--
By: Calvin.linardi
Standart tractor edit with working dorrs and a lot of improvement!
- Lowpoly / SA Style
- 2 tone and 3 tone color variant
- Adapted to VehFuncs
- Trailer are included on the archive
- Custom COL, LOD and Shadow
Share this mod anywhere you want, edit the files as you like,
as long as you credited me.
and tell me if you see any bug.
Have Fun!
Support the author
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