BETA GTA3 APC PCKQ-2 by Calvin.linardi.
This armored car was made on the basis of beta renders found in GTA 3 files, and then converted to SA in the appropriate style.
- Style SA / Low Poly
- Own COL, LOD and shadow
- There is a CLEO script for working caterpillars (optional)
- There is damage
Feel free to distribute this mod wherever you want and edit its files however you want, but don't forget to credit me as the original author!
And let me know if you find any bugs.
Visit my workshop on GTAForums!!!
By: Calvin.linardi
Based on the beta render found on GTA3 files, now converted to SA and improved with SA Style
- SA Style/Lowpoly
- Custom COL, LOD and Shadow
- Working tank script CLEO4 (Optional)
- Damage parts
Share this mod anywhere you want, edit the files as you like,
as long as you credited me, I'm fine
and tell me if you see any bug.
Visit my Workshop On GTAForumsfor more mods!!!
BETA GTA3 APC PCKQ-2 от Calvin.linardi.
Этот броневик сделан на основе бета рендеров, найденных в файлах GTA 3, а после конвертирован в SA в соответствующей стилистике.
- Стиль SA / Low Poly
- Свои COL, LOD и тень
- Имеется CLEO скрипт на рабочие гусеницы (не обязательно)
- Имеются повреждения
Можете распространять этот мод где захотите и редактировать его файлы как захотите, но не забывайте указывать меня как автора оригинала!
И сообщайте мне о найденных багах.
Посетите мою мастерскую на GTAForums!!!
By: Calvin.linardi
Based on the beta render found on GTA3 files, now converted to SA and improved with SA Style
- SA Style/Lowpoly
- Custom COL, LOD and Shadow
- Working tank script CLEO4 (Optional)
- Damage parts
Share this mod anywhere you want, edit the files as you like,
as long as you credited me, I'm fine
and tell me if you see any bug.
Visit my Workshop On GTAForums for more mods!!!
Support the author
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