Guns 'N Smoke

- Plot:
The action takes place in 1857, in the city of Deadwood, where the Bikers of the Northern Woods (NWB) are ready to pay for their humiliation in the last battle with the Cowboys. They want to kill Doc and Sam, but they won't get away with it as long as John Cooper is around, ready to stand up for his friends... Continued in the mission itself!
Attention! The text in the mission is in English only!
- Characters:
* John Cooper (Protagonist)
* Doc McCoy (Unique shooter (cowboy) from El Quebrados)
* Sam Williams (Unique shooter (cowboy) from Las Payasadas)
- Main Feature:
You can play as either Sam Williams or John Cooper.
- Hope you like it
- Launch and play
Mission take place on 1857, In the city of Deadwood, where NWB's ready to take payback after they humiliated in their previous battle with Cowboys, They wanted to kill Doc and Sam, but it's not easy because John cooper is ready to take avenge of his friends... More you watch in the mission!
- Major Characters:
* John Cooper (The main actor of the story)
* Doc Mccoy (Unique Gunslinger of El Quebrados)
* Sam Williams (Unique Gunslinger of Payasadas)
- Main Feature:
You can play as both "Sam Williams" and "John Cooper"
- Hope you like it
- Play 'N Enjoy,
- Сюжет:
Действие развивается в 1857 году, в городе Дэдвуд, где Байкеры Северного Леса (NWB) готовы расплатиться за своё унижение в прошлой битве с Ковбоями. Они хотят убить Дока и Сэма, но это не сойдёт им с рук, пока рядом Джон Купер, готовый встать горой за своих друзей.... Продолжение в самой миссии!
Внимание! Текст в миссии только на английском языке!
- Персонажи:
* Джон Купер (Главный герой)
* Док МакКой (Уникальный стрелок (ковбой) из Эль Кебрадос)
* Сэм Уильямс (Уникальный стрелок (ковбой) из Лас Паясадас)
- Главная особенность:
Ты можешь поиграть как за Сэма Уильямса, так и за Джона Купера.
- Надеюсь тебе понравится
- Запускай и играй
Mission take place on 1857, In the city of Deadwood, where NWB's ready to take payback after they humiliated in their previous battle with Cowboys, They wanted to kill Doc and Sam, but it's not easy because John cooper is ready to take avenge of his friends... More you watch in the mission!
- Major Characters:
* John Cooper (The main actor of the story)
* Doc Mccoy (Unique Gunslinger of El Quebrados)
* Sam Williams (Unique Gunslinger of Payasadas)
- Main Feature:
You can play as both \"Sam Williams\" and \"John Cooper\"
- Hope you like it
- Play 'N Enjoy,
Recommended files

New Smoke skin

New Big Smoke

Beta Big Smoke and beta Sweet

Smoke is now also a ballas

Smoke in a leather jacket

Bloodstained Smoke

Smoke from mortal kombat 9

Smoke from conquest

New Big Smoke

Smoke without glasses

Submachine gun Sudayev

New Smoke

Beta Big Smoke
