B-Double Roadtrain Trailers Pack [SA Style]

B Double Roadtrain trailer by Calvin.linardi
Now you can ride the longest truck in San Andreas! The archive contains two trailers with six extras.
- Style SA / Low Poly
- Adapted to Silent patch
- 2 DFF models and 14 extras
- SA numbers
- Custom collision
!!!You need to install Silent patchfor the mod to work properly!!!
Attention: The truck cab is archivednot included!
Feel free to redistribute this mod wherever you want and edit its files however you want, but don't forget to credit me as the original author!
And let me know if you find any bugs.
Visit my workshop on GTAFORUMS!!!
--B Double Roadtrain trailer--
By: Calvin.linardi
Now you can make the longest truck ever on San andreas, the archive contain two trailer with 6 extras.
- SA Style/Lowpoly
- Silent patchadapted
- 2 DFF 14 Extras
- SA Plates
- Custom Col
!!!You need to install Silent patchto make the roadtrain features works!!!
Note: the semi trucks arenot includedin the archive!
Share this mod anywhere you want, edit the files as you like,
as long as you credited me, I'm fine
and tell me if you see any bug.
Visit My workshop at GTAFORUMSfor more mods!!!
B Double Roadtrain trailer от Calvin.linardi
Теперь вы можете покататься на самом длинном грузовике в Сан-Андреасе! В архиве находятся два трейлера с шестью экстрами.
- Стиль SA / Low Poly
- Адаптирован под Silent patch
- 2 DFF модели и 14 экстр
- SA номера
- Собственная коллизия
!!!Вам нужно установить Silent patch, чтобы мод работал как надо!!!
Внимание: Кабина грузовика в архив не входит!
Можете распространять этот мод где захотите, и редактировать его файлы как захотите, но не забывайте указывать меня как автора оригинала!
И сообщайте мне о найденных багах.
Посетите мою мастерскую на GTAFORUMS!!!
--B Double Roadtrain trailer--
By: Calvin.linardi
Now you can make the longest truck ever on San andreas, the archive contain two trailer with 6 extras.
- SA Style/Lowpoly
- Silent patch adapted
- 2 DFF 14 Extras
- SA Plates
- Custom Col
!!!You need to install Silent patch to make the roadtrain features works!!!
Note: the semi truck are not included in the archive!
Share this mod anywhere you want, edit the files as you like,
as long as you credited me, I'm fine
and tell me if you see any bug.
Visit My workshop at GTAFORUMS for more mods!!!
Support the author
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