Striker 12 Shotgun
Striker 12 by Calvin.linardi.
Heavy automatic shotgun with strong recoil and corresponding massive damage. It has its own icon and lies well in CJ's hands.
Many thanks to Crack Yo' Neck For for the weapon icon.
Feel free to redistribute this mod wherever you want and edit its files however you want, but don't forget to credit me as the original author!
And let me know if you find any bugs.
Visit my workshop on GTAForums!
--Striker 12--
By: Calvin.linardi
Heavy automatic shotgun with high fire rate and massive damage,
it has it's own custom icon and fit CJ's hand.
Special thanks to Crack Yo' Neck For the weapon icons
Share this mod anywhere you want, edit the files as you like,
as long as you credited me, I'm fine
and tell me if you see any bug.
Visit My workshop at GTAForums!
Striker 12 от Calvin.linardi.
Тяжёлый автоматический дробовик с сильной отдачей и соответствующим массивным уроном. Имеет собственную иконку и хорошо лежит в Сиджея в руках.
Большое спасибо Crack Yo' Neck For за иконку оружия.
Можете распространять этот мод где захотите, и редактировать его файлы как захотите, но не забывайте указывать меня как автора оригинала!
И сообщайте мне о найденных багах.
Посетите мою мастерскую на GTAForums!
--Striker 12--
By: Calvin.linardi
Heavy automatic shotgun with high fire rate and massive damage,
it has it's own custom icon and fit CJ's hand.
Special thanks to Crack Yo' Neck For the weapon icons
Share this mod anywhere you want, edit the files as you like,
as long as you credited me, I'm fine
and tell me if you see any bug.
Visit My workshop at GTAForums!
Support the author
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