Grotti Cheetah Retro
- All in the style of GTA V, the car was inspired by the Ferrari P5 (❨) and Alfa Romeo 33.2 (❩).
- You can add it as a new one, or you can replace it with Cheetah.
- Instructions for adding new cars to the game without replacement:
- Reflections and number in the style of GTA V.
- Scale: 110%. The number of polygons is 33,206.
- 1 extra. No coloring pages. The interior is painted in the second color.
- Breakable Parts: Only doors, front and rear bumper.
- Easy LOD. Flat shadow. Quality collision.
Own settings.
- Version for IVF 2.1.1 + ASI 1.2.
- There is a version for Android without reflections and extras.
How to install textures:
With TXDf*ck import all textures into txd.txt file with 'Uncompressed with alpha' option.
- Not tested in SA-MP/MTA. Tested on the basis of ENB 3.0 + CLEO 4.3.
- Open source, all files are open. You can edit them, but don't forget to credit the author!
- GTA V Style, inspired by Ferrari P5 (❨), Alfa Romeo 33.2 (❩).
-Add. Cheetah type for replace.
- Tool/tutorial add vehicles:
- Reflections & plate in GTA-V style. -Personal editable plate:
All GTA-V plate, with #7 bumpers font & #17 plates; alpha platea for remove plate.
- Scale 110%. -Polygon base 33,206.
- 1 extra tuning. Nothing alive. 2nd color interior.
- Damaged parts: Only Doors, Boot and Rear Bumper.
- Light LOD. Flat Shadow. Adapted Collision. All data strings.
- IVF211+ASI12 version. -Android version; without environment reflections & extra for 3D > 3MB.
Texture installation:
With TXDf*ck import in txd.txt file all texture with 'Uncompressed with alpha'.
- SA-MP/MTA no testing. Tested in ENB30+CLEO43.
- Open source, files unlocked: only credits required for use it.
- Всё в стиле GTA V, автомобиль был вдохновлён Ferrari P5 (❨) и Alfa Romeo 33.2 (❩).
- Можно добавить как новую, а можно заменить на Cheetah.
- Инструкция по добавлению новых автомобилей в игру без замены:
- Отражения и номер в стиле GTA V.
- Масштаб: 110%. Количество полигонов - 33,206.
- 1 экстра. Без раскрасок. Интерьер красится во второй цвет.
- Ломающиеся детали: Только двери, передний и задний бампер.
- Лёгкий LOD. Плоская тень. Качественная коллизия.
Собственные настройки.
- Версия для IVF 2.1.1 + ASI 1.2.
- Имеется версия для Android без отражений и экстры.
Как установить текстуры:
С помощью TXDf*ck импортируйте все текстуры в файл txd.txt с опцией 'Uncompressed with alpha'.
- В SA-MP/MTA не тестировалось. Тестировалось на базе ENB 3.0 + CLEO 4.3.
- Открытый исходник, все файлы открыты. Вы можете их редактировать, но не забывайте указывать автора!
- GTA V Style, inspired by Ferrari P5 (❨), Alfa Romeo 33.2 (❩).
- Add. Cheetah type for replace.
- Tool/tutorial add vehicles:
- Reflections & plate in GTA-V style. -Personal editable plate:
All GTA-V plate, with #7 bumpers font & #17 plates; alpha platea for remove plate.
- Scale 110%. -Polygons base 33,206.
- 1 extra tuning. Nothing livery. 2nd color interior.
- Damaged parts: Only Doors, Boot and Rear Bumper.
- Light LOD. Flat Shadow. Adapted Collision. All data strings.
- IVF211+ASI12 version.
- Android version; without environment reflections & extra for 3D > 3MB.
Texture installation:
With TXDf*ck import in txd.txt file all texture with 'Uncompressed with alpha'.
- SA-MP/MTA no testing. Tested in ENB30+CLEO43.
- Open source, files unlocked: only credits required for use it.
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