MTL SAPD Police Base
--Mobile police base--
By Calvin.linardi
- Low Poly/SA Style
- You can go inside
- Compatible with VehFuncs
- Own COL and LOD
!!!Install VehFuncs to correct the position of the light source!!!
From the author:
Distribute this mod wherever you want, edit its files as you like, but do not forget to credit me as the authors! You can also report any bugs you find to me.
Want to be the first to know about my mods? Visit my GTA Forums page!
Have fun!
Calvin Linardi
--Mobile Police Base--
By: Calvin.linardi
- low poly/SA Style
- enterable interior
- VehFuncs Fix
- custom COL and LOD
!!!Install VehFuncs to correct the light position!!!
Note from Author!
Share this mod anywhere you want, edit the files as you like,
as long as you credited me, I'm fine
and tell me if you see any bug.
For more information about upcoming vehicle, check my page on GTA Forums!
have fun!
Calvin Linardi
--Мобильная полицейская база--
От Calvin.linardi
- Low Poly/SA Style
- Можно войти внутрь
- Совместим с VehFuncs
- Свои COL и LOD
!!!Установите VehFuncs, чтобы скорректировать положение источника света!!!
От автора:
Распространяйте этот мод где захотите, редактируйте его файлы как вам захочется, но не забывайте указывать меня в авторах! А так же можете сообщить мне о найденных багах.
Хотите получать новости о моих модах первым? Посетите мою страницу на GTA Forums!
--Mobile Police Base--
By: Calvin.linardi
- low poly/SA Style
- enterable interior
- VehFuncs Fix
- custom COL and LOD
!!!Install VehFuncs to correct the light position!!!
Note from Author!
Share this mod anywhere you want, edit the files as you like,
as long as you credited me, I'm fine
and tell me if you see any bug.
For more information about upcoming vehicle, check my page on GTA Forums!
Have fun!
Support the author
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