San Andreas MultiPlayer 0.3.8 RC1 + Windows Server
Good afternoon dear friends! On November 4th, the author of the SAMP client, Kalcor, released a new version of San Andreas MultiPlayer 0.3.8 RC1.
You can also find it on the SAMP forum.
Especially, this update did not bring huge changes to the multiplayer. This, one might say, is still a test version (beta) of the client, it is not on the SAMP website, only on the forum. All new additions/corrections will be indicated below (The translation has been corrected).
Version 0.3.8 of SA-MP will introduce server-side custom models. Custom objects and custom player skins are currently supported, with more types planned in the future. Because this feature is potentially large on some servers, 0.3.8 will remain a pre-release RC for now. This gives server owners enough time to test new features. These new features will take some time to formalize, so be patient with the stable version being released.
Only use the RC version with people you trust, as downloadable GTA: SA models may contain viruses.
How custom models work in SA-MP.
Custom models are stored on the SA-MP server, usually in the "models" folder. When a player connects, they are downloaded a list of all models used by the server. Players will download models as needed and save them to the CRC in the "cache" folder. Each server the player connects to has a separate model cache. The local cache is located in the folder: DocumentsGTA San Andreas User FilesSAMPcache, and then the server IP.Port.
For custom player skins, the player downloads all of these files at the start of the game, as the game cannot be paused to load skins. Objects attached to the player, such as accessories, must be loaded at the beginning. Map objects will be loaded depending on what virtual world the player is in.
Model format
The model format is the same as in the game. Object models require a link with dff, and this can be implemented using the kdff tool.
The main modeling tools for GTA:SA are in 3DSMax, although there are other tools for this purpose.
Defining custom models in the artconfig.txt file
Custom models are currently defined in the server's artconfig.txt file. AddCharModel is used to add a new player model, and AddSimpleModel is used to define a custom object that includes both world objects and objects that will be attached to players as accessories.
Player skins use ranges: 20,000 to 30,000 (10,000 slots) Objects use negative IDs: -1000 to -30,000 (29,000 slots).
Other fixes since 0.3.7:
- The radar circuit should now scale properly at widescreen resolutions.
- NPC bots can now rotate in the same place again.
I quote - New models are added to the server. The server can upload up to 10,000 game character models. I think the servers will use a maximum of 50 models, because there will be a very large load on the server.
Let's take an example, we take a game model under id 230 "Homeless", and add the model on the server in the models folder skin "Homeless" in HD-HQ quality (not important), we make it under the number 25001 and when moving to 230id it will be two different skins.
If you want me to write an article about this version, how to configure these skins in the models/artconfig.txt folder, and what I think about it, be active - write comments, messages in PM or email.
That's all for me, enjoy the game!
fast and easy
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