Machine of Carmageddon in the tuning of Mad Max (OLD)
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24 September 2024mashina-karmageddona-v-tjuninge_1727179774_103903.rar
The latest update broke the mods (1.112.). It is almost impossible to rewrite all the mods for the new update because everything starts from scratch
Replaces Cheetah.
Features of TEZ Red Eagle (cars from Carmageddon):
- Tuning is made in the style of Mad Max;
- TEZ Red Eagle is made (exclusively) from Soviet abandoned cars to give fear, despair and a formidable look;
- TEZ Red Eagle specifically highlights the recognizable features of other cars so that at the sight you can find out which part belongs to which Soviet car.
Material used:
- Body models: Dozens, ZIL-130, IZH-2125, UAZ, Gazelle, Volga - Metro Exodus game;
- Many textures - Metro Exodus game;
- Blade on the car - Carmageddon Max Damage game;
- Skeleton and blade texture - Painkiller Hell & Damnation game.
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Машина Кармагеддона в тюнинге Безумного Макса (OLD)
Последнее обновление нарушило работу модов (1.112.). Перезаписать все моды для нового обновления практически невозможно, потому что все начинается с нуля
Заменяет Cheetah.
Особенности TEZ Red Eagle (машины из Кармагеддона):
- Тюнинг выполнен в исполнение Безумного Макса;
- TEZ Red Eagle сделана (исключительно) из советских заброшенных машин для предания страха, отчаяния и грозного вида;
- В TEZ Red Eagle специально выделены узнаваемые черты других машин, чтобы при виде можно было обнаружить какая деталь принадлежит какой советской машине.
Использованный материал:
- Модели кузова: Десятка, ZIL-130, ИЖ-2125, УАЗ, Газель, Волга — игра Metro Exodus;
- Многие текстуры — игра Metro Exodus;
- Лезвие на машине — игра Carmageddon Max Damage;
- Скелет и текстура лезвия — игра Painkiller Hell & Damnation.
Permissions and distribution rules
The author answered the following questions upon publication. By downloading the file, you agree to abide by these rules.
Is it allowed to reupload the file to other websites / platforms / services?
Is it allowed to create paid mods using the developments, components, or assets presented in this file?
Under no circumstances
Is it allowed to edit or update the file and upload its updated versions separately?
Only after receiving the author's permission
Is it allowed to convert the file for use in other games?
Under no circumstances
Is it allowed to use the developments, components, or assets presented in this file to create your own files?
Only after receiving the author's permission
Are there any developments from other people in this file for which the author has permissions, but which cannot be distributed without the consent of their authors?
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