Visit Liberty City
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24 December 2022poseshhenie-liberti-siti_1671829446_421034.rar
Visit Liberty City
With this script, you will be able to visit Liberty City.
- Quality script;
- No bugs.
Enjoy the game.
For the mod to work, you needCLEO Redux. You can download here (clickable).
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GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Skip Intro [GTA3, Vice City, San Andreas]
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy "Intro Skip" This modification removes the intro when starting GTA San Andreas, Vice City and GTA 3. Installation: For GTA3, the path is GTA The Trilogy The Definitive EditionGTA III Definitive EditionGamefaceConte...

5 kB
13 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

No white outline when fighting [GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas]
[GTA Trilogy] No Target Outline (desativar contornos) The mod removes something that many players did not like, namely the white outline of Karl's opponent. Also, the mod removes the outlines of the selected weapon. The modification works for GTA 3,...
18 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Improve graphics - enable ray tracing [GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas]
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18 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Limited visibility range v1.2 [GTA 3, Vice City, SA]
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19 August 2022
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

District and city name
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6 kB
25 January 2023
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

New sights (GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas)
Circle Reticle This modification, replaces the scope for the GTA Trilogy games. Features: Quality textures; No bugs; Works on GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas; Do not spoil the atmosphere of the game. Enjoy the game.

28 kB
17 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

flooded city
[SA:DE] Submerged Map (mapa embaixo d'água) One of the first mods that was released for the classic San Andreas. Now the state is submerged. With new effects in the trilogy, looks very nice.

3 kB
31 August 2023
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

CLEO Redux v1.2.2
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14 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Correction of marker v2.0 [GTA 3, VC and SA]
[SA: DE] No Marker Light (remover luz dos marcadores) Update 11/23/2021: - Now the mod supports GTA 3 and GTA Vice City; - Now it is possible to dim the light, and not just remove it. A mod that removes the red lights from the marker, making it ...
15 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Rain Fix [GTA 3, VC and SA] v1.2
[GTA Trilogy] Rain Fix (chuva corrigida) Update 11/19/2021: - The authors managed to fix raindrops on the ground; - The authors managed to optimize the rain texture and reduce it from 2048 to 256 pixels without any visible quality loss. This sho...
15 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Rain fix v1.3
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15 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Optimization for weak PCs [GTA3, VC and SA]
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17 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

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17 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

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19 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Ultimate ASI Loader
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