Colored icons of radio stations
Gravarty, CyanFire
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391.27 Kb
Total downloads: 1069
Unique downloads: 899
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7 November
Classic Colored Radio Icons
This modification makes the icons of radio stations colored.
- High-quality textures;
- Bugs fixed.
Have a nice game.
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Цветные иконки радиостанций
Classic Coloured Radio Icons
Данная модификация, делает цветными иконки радиостанций.
- Качественные текстуры;
- Исправлены ошибки.
Приятной игры.
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17 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Colored (classic) radio station icons
Classic Colored Radio Station Icons for GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition. This modification makes the icons of radio stations colored, as they were in the original GTA San Andreas..
20 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Restored music for radio stations
As we all know, the music in the trilogy was cut, and in San Andreas the music at the stations was simply turned off by scripts. This mod returns the music to its place and now you will again hear all the good old songs from the radio stations of...
26 July 2022
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Colored icons
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1 MB
15 April 2023
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Completely Russian version of Radio Los Santos
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26 March 2022
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Overview of achievement icons in GTA SAN ANDREAS DEFINITIVE EDITION
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5 June 2022
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Full Russian voice acting
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27 December 2022
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Vladivostok FM from GTA 4
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87 MB
20 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Radar, map and icons in the style of GTA 5 [GTA 3, VC, SA]
[GTA Trilogy] GTA V Radar + Icons (mapa estilo GTA V). This modification replaces the map, radar and icons. Now they are in the style of GTA 5. The modification supports GTA 3 and GTA Vice City. P.S. on GTA 3 and GTA Vice City, install only the ma...
7 August 2022
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Colored weapon icons
SA-DE Better Weapon Icons A nice modification that will make all weapon icons colored. Features: Good textures; Weapon icons will become colored. Have a nice game.

3 MB
13 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Original HQ Icons
[SA/SA:DE] Original HQ Icons (ícones originais HD). Update 11/14/2021: - Fixed bugs. Now the modification works stably. This modification replaces all the icons in the game with identical ones to the originals (classic version of the game), but...
23 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Atmosphere in the style of VC and SA concept trailers
GTA Trilogy Softmosphere (Reshade). This mod makes games more like GTA SA and VC Remastered "Welcome to the 80s" concept trailers, softer blooms, more color and no FPS drop. Features: Gives games a blooming soft look; No loss of performanc...
24 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Color enhancement - A.B.A reshade
GTA SA - Definitive Edition - A.B.A reshade Azur Better Atmospher e is a semi-realistic preset for GTA:SA, it can also be used for GTA:3 and GTA:VC. Game setup: - Brightness = 50%; - Contrast = 50%; - Lens Flare = Off (should be off, even if you...
25 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Classic color for radar and map
This mod changes the colors of the radar and maps. Now they will be like in the classic SA.

3 kB
29 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

Military Color Fix
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30 November 2021
GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

DualShock 4 Icons
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